VoC Morocco : Compliance verification Morocco

Exporting products to Morocco involves knowing the country’s verification of conformity (VoC). This program, essential to ensure the quality and safety of imported goods, is an essential step for those wishing to enter the Moroccan market. VoC Morocco is designed to protect local consumers while simplifying trade.

What is a compliance check for Morocco ?

Compliance verification for Morocco is essential to ensure that imported products meet the quality and safety standards required by Moroccan regulations. This approach aims to protect consumers in Morocco from the risks associated with dangerous or substandard products. It also aims to safeguard the local industry from unfair competition and counterfeiting.

Since February 1, 2020, this audit has become mandatory, under Law 09-24 and orders 212-02 and 13-3873. It concerns all imported industrial products subject to national technical regulations or a mandatory Moroccan standard.

You can consult the list of products concerned on the website of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green Economy and Digital (MICEVN).

The verification procedure may take place either in the country of export or on arrival in Morocco, depending on the product. For pre-shipment inspections, an approved body (such as Intertek, Bureau Veritas or TÜV Rheinland) carries out the inspection and issues a certificate of conformity, necessary for customs clearance in Morocco. If the inspection is done on arrival, it is carried out by the competent authorities at the Moroccan border crossings.

What products are affected by VoC for Kenya ?

Verification of Conformity (VoC) for Morocco is required for all imported industrial products that must comply with national technical regulations or mandatory Moroccan standards. These products are divided into three categories, depending on the level of risk they pose to health, safety and the environment.

Category A : high risk products

Category A products are those that pose a high risk to health, safety and the environment. They must undergo a compliance check in the country of export prior to shipment.

The list of Category A products includes, but is not limited to :

  • Food products and food additives
  • Cosmetics and personal hygiene products
  • Pharmaceuticals and medical products
  • Chemicals and pesticides products
  • Electrical and electronic products
  • Toys and childcare products
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Pressure equipment
  • Vehicles and spare parts
  • Pneumatics
  • Tobacco products

Category B : moderate risk products

Category B products are those that pose a moderate risk to health, safety and the environment. The verification of conformity can be done in the country of export or on arrival in Morocco, depending on the choice of the importer.

The list of Category B products includes, but is not limited to :

  • Textile and clothing products
  • Leather and skin products
  • Wood and paper products
  • Plastic and rubber products
  • Glass and ceramic products
  • Metal and hardware products
  • Construction products and building materials
  • Foundry and steel products
  • Petroleum and lubricants products
  • Perfumery and aromatherapy products

Category C : low risk products

Category C products are those that pose a low risk to health, safety and the environment. They are generally exempt from compliance verification, unless the Moroccan authorities decide otherwise.

The list of Category C products includes, but is not limited to :

  • Agricultural and animal products
  • Mineral products and precious stones
  • Handicrafts and cultural products
  • Watch and jewellery products
  • Optics and photography products
  • Printing and publishing products
  • Furniture and decoration products
  • Leather goods and luggage products
  • Stationery and office supplies
  • Sports and leisure products

To determine the category of your product, visit the website of IMANOR, the Moroccan Institute of Standardization. This official body is responsible for standardization, certification of conformity of goods to standards, publication and dissemination of standards, training on standards and representation of Morocco in international and regional standardization organizations.

How to get compliance verification for Morocco?

To ensure that your products comply with Moroccan standards, it is essential to follow the procedure established by the Verification of Conformity (VoC) of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green and Digital Economy (MICEVN). The method to adopt depends on the categorization of your product in A, B or C, as explained above.

Category A products, considered high risk, must undergo a compliance check in the country of export prior to shipment. To do this, submit an application for a certificate of conformity to an approved body such as Bureau Veritas, Intertek or TÜV Rheinland, which has a representation in your country.

The application must include :

  • Une copie de la facture proforma ou commerciale
  • A copy of the purchase order or contract
  • A copy of the certificate of origin or declaration of origin
  • A copy of the certificate of analysis or test report, if available
  • A copy of the technical data sheet or product leaflet, if available
  • Any other relevant documents depending on the type of product

The approved body will then carry out the conformity verification of your product through a document review, risk analysis, testing, physical inspection and facilitation procedures. If your product meets Moroccan standards and regulations, you will receive a certificate of conformity necessary for customs clearance in Morocco, accompanied by the required documents (invoice, certificate of origin, etc.).

For products of category B, of moderate risk, the conformity verification can be carried out either in the country of export or on arrival in Morocco, according to the choice of the importer. The procedure is the same as for category A products if the verification is done before the export.

In case of verification on arrival in Morocco, make sure that your product is accompanied by a declaration of conformity proving compliance with Moroccan standards and regulations. The documents to be provided are identical to those requested for category A.

Upon arrival, your product will be inspected by the competent authorities at Moroccan border crossings via testing, inspections or audits. If compliant, customs clearance may take place. In case of non-compliance, the product may be refused, seized, destroyed or returned.

As for low-risk category C products, compliance verification is not systematically required, unless the Moroccan authorities decide otherwise. It is nevertheless advisable to ensure that your product complies with Moroccan standards and technical regulations. The usual documents for customs clearance (invoice, certificate of origin, etc.) must be provided.

What are the benefits of obtaining a compliance check for Morocco ?

Obtaining a compliance check for Morocco offers multiple benefits to companies wishing to export their products to that country. This ensures that :

Facilitate access to the Moroccan market

By obtaining a compliance check, your products will be guaranteed to comply with Moroccan standards and regulations, thus avoiding delays, refusals and sanctions during customs clearance. This allows you to save time and money while improving your competitiveness in the Moroccan market.

Protect your reputation and brand image

Compliance verification demonstrates your commitment to offering quality and secure products, thus strengthening the trust and loyalty of your customers and partners. This enhances your reputation and brand image, distinguishing you from the competition.

Contribute to sustainable development

By complying with the requirements, you help protect the health, safety and environment of Moroccan consumers. You also support local industry by fighting unfair competition and counterfeiting. Your commitment to compliance verification reflects your social and environmental responsibility, contributing to Morocco’s sustainable development.

Which organizations offer a compliance check for Morocco ?

To ensure the conformity of products imported into Morocco, it is essential to turn to an organization approved by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green Economy and Digital (MICEVN), the entity in charge of the Verification of Conformity (VoC) in the country. Several organizations, varied according to the type of product and the country of origin, are authorized to provide this service. Some of the key accredited organizations include :

Bureau Veritas

Recognized globally for its inspection, certification and laboratory testing services, Bureau Veritas has been designated by the Moroccan government to perform compliance verification of imported products since December 16, 2019. With an extensive network of offices and laboratories in more than 140 countries, Bureau Veritas ensures a local service and a high responsiveness to its customers. In addition, the organization offers facilitation services such as document management, shipment tracking and regulatory advice.


Intertek, a global player in the field of product quality and safety, has also been mandated by Morocco since 16 December 2019 for compliance verification. With more than 1,000 laboratories and offices in more than 100 countries, Intertek guarantees extended coverage to its customers. Their services include consulting, training, auditing and certification.

TÜV Rheinland

As a provider of technical, security and certification services, TÜV Rheinland plays a key role in compliance verification in Morocco, having received this responsibility since 16 December 2019. With a network of more than 500 locations in 69 countries, TÜV Rheinland offers both local and international expertise. Their services include inspection, consulting, testing and certification.

This list is not exhaustive. For a complete list of accredited organizations, visit the MICEVN website. For additional information on Moroccan standards and technical regulations, the Moroccan Institute of Standardization (IMANOR) is also at your disposal.

What are the steps to obtain a VoC for Morocco ?

To acquire a VoC (Verification of Conformity) for Morocco, follow these essential steps, adapted to the category of your product and the chosen verification method :

Category A products, verification in the country of export

  • Submit a request for a certificate of conformity to a certified organization, including all necessary documents (invoice, purchase order, certificate of origin, etc.)
  • Allow the certified body to check your product’s compliance through document analysis, testing, physical inspection, etc.
  • Obtain the certificate of conformity from the certified body if your product meets the criteria
  • Present this certificate of conformity during customs clearance in Morocco, accompanied by other required documents

Category B products, verification in the country of export

Follow the same process as for Category A products

Category B products, verification on arrival in Morocco

  • Ensure that your product has a declaration of conformity, certifying that it complies with Moroccan standards and technical regulations
  • Present the necessary documents (invoice, purchase order, certificate of origin, etc.)
  • The Moroccan authorities will examine the conformity of your product through tests, inspections or audits
  • Proceed to customs clearance if your product is deemed compliant

Category C products, exempt from verification

  • Export your product without the need for a certificate of conformity, while complying with Moroccan standards and regulations
  • Provide standard documents for customs clearance (invoice, certificate of origin, etc.)

For more information on the compliance verification procedure for Morocco, consult the websites of approved organizations such as Bureau Veritas, Intertek, or TÜV Rheinland, as well as the website of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green Economy and Digital. For any question on Moroccan standards and technical regulations, IMANOR (Moroccan Institute of Standardization) remains at your disposal.

How much does a compliance check cost for Morocco ?

The price of a conformity check for Morocco varies according to several criteria : the type of product, the verification method used, the quantity and value of the goods, as well as the selected verification body. It is essential to consider two categories of costs :

The costs of the audit

These fees are those imposed by the verification body to perform the conformity examination of your product, whether in the country of export or upon arrival in Morocco. The amount of these fees depends on the chosen organization, the type of product, the verification method, as well as the number of tests, inspections or audits required. The prices can be viewed directly on the websites of approved organisations such as Bureau Veritas, Intertek or TÜV Rheinland.

Typically, verification fees range from USD 315 to USD 2500 per shipment, depending on the type of product.

Facilitation fees

Facilitation fees are the costs charged by the verification body to assist the exporter in the compliance verification process, by providing services such as documentation management, shipment tracking, or regulatory advice. These fees also vary depending on the verification body, the type of product, the verification method, and the quantity and value of the goods.

Tariffs for facilitation services can also be found on the websites of the accredited bodies. Generally, they represent between 0.5% and 1% of the FOB (Free On Board) value of the shipment, with a minimum amount of 150 USD and a maximum of 1000 USD per shipment.

It is important to note that verification and facilitation costs are borne by the exporter. These costs must be paid before dispatch or upon receipt of the certificate of conformity, in accordance with the terms of the approved body. Additional fees may apply in case of product non-compliance, specific requests, delays, etc.

We recommend that you check with the approved body of your choice before initiating the compliance verification procedure for Morocco.

How long does it take to get a compliance check for Morocco ?

The time required to acquire a conformity check for Morocco varies depending on the type of product, the verification method, the selected certification body and the availability of the necessary documents and samples. There are two key periods to consider :

Verification delay

This period represents the time required by the certification body to examine the conformity of your product, whether the assessment takes place in the country of export or upon arrival in Morocco. This time varies depending on the organization selected, the type of product, the verification method used, and the number of tests, inspections or audits required.

Specific deadlines for each certification body can be found on their websites, including Bureau Veritas, Intertek or TÜV Rheinland. Typically, the verification period ranges from 3 to 10 working days, depending on the nature of the product.

The period of issue of the certificate of conformity

This period concerns the time required for the certificate of conformity to be sent by the certification body, once your product is deemed compliant. This time depends on the receipt of the required documents and samples, as well as the payment of the verification fee. The deadlines for issuing certificates by different bodies can also be found on their websites.

As a general rule, the deadline for receiving the certificate of conformity is 1 to 2 working days after the conclusion of the verification.

It is essential to emphasize that the deadlines mentioned are average estimates that may vary according to the specificities of each shipment. It is therefore recommended to contact the certification body of your choice as soon as possible to arrange the necessary conformity verification for Morocco and thus avoid any delay or complication during customs clearance.

Should I renew the VoC for Morocco ?

The VoC (Verification of Conformity) is essential to prove that your products comply with the standards and technical regulations of Morocco. This document, essential at the time of customs clearance, is valid for a single shipment. Thus, for each export to Morocco, a renewal of the VoC is necessary.

However, exceptions exist, allowing to overcome the renewal of the VoC in some cases, through a simplified procedure or an exemption. Let’s look at these situations :

Simplified procedure

The simplified process streamlines the VoC renewal process if the following conditions are met :

  • Your product is classified in category B and has been verified in the country of export.
  • It has not been modified since its last audit.
  • It is exported by the same sender to the same recipient under identical conditions.
  • The shipment is made within 6 months of the issue of the previous certificate of conformity.

To benefit from this procedure, submit a simplified application to the approved body, including :

  • A copy of the last certificate of conformity.
  • A copy of the proforma or commercial invoice.
  • A copy of the purchase order or contract.
  • A copy of the certificate of origin or declaration of origin.
  • A statement of honour confirming that the product has not been modified.
  • A new certificate of conformity will be issued without further verification.


The exemption relieves you of the need to provide a certificate of conformity if :

  • Your product belongs to category C and is exempt from verification.
  • It is exported by the same sender to the same recipient under identical conditions.
  • Il est exporté par le même expéditeur vers le même destinataire dans des conditions identiques.

For this exemption, send an application along with :

  • A copy of the last declaration of conformity.
  • A copy of the proforma or commercial invoice.
  • A copy of the purchase order or contract.
  • A copy of the certificate of origin or declaration of origin.

You will then receive a certificate of exemption instead of the certificate of conformity.

For more details on the renewal of the VoC for Morocco, visit the website of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green and Digital Economy or contact an approved organization such as Bureau Veritas, Intertek, or TÜV Rheinland.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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