PROGEC Gabon Certification : Gabonese Conformity Assessment Program

Exporting products to Gabon involves familiarizing yourself with the Gabonese Conformity Assessment Program (PROGEC), a government initiative designed to ensure the quality and safety of imported products. This program is essential to obtain a certificate of conformity, proving that your products comply with Gabonese standards or recognized international standards.

What is PROGEC compliance certification for Gabon ?

PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon is essential to ensure that imports meet the quality and safety criteria set by the Gabonese authorities. Initiated in 2016 by the Council of Ministers of Gabon, this program aims to ensure the protection of consumers and the environment, while supporting the economic and social development of the country and improving the competitiveness of local businesses.

This certification of goods is essential for the entry of regulated products into the Gabonese territory. While unregulated products must be accompanied by a declaration of non-compliance from the importer, regulated products include those that must comply with Gabonese, regional or international standards, or that are subject to technical regulations specific to Gabon.

The Gabonese Standards Agency (AGANOR) is the entity responsible for the creation and publication of these standards and regulations. As a national body for standardization, certification and metrology, AGANOR allows the maintenance of quality standards in Gabon.

Obtaining PROGEC certification means receiving a certificate of conformity (CoC) from an organization accredited by AGANOR. This official document proves that the products have been examined and tested in accordance with relevant standards and regulations, thereby affirming their compliance with Gabonese requirements.

The CoC is necessary for the customs clearance of goods on arrival in Gabon. In the absence of this certificate, products may be held at customs and may incur penalties or require corrective action.

Which products are affected by the PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon ?

The PROGEC conformity certification applies to all products imported into Gabon, with the exception of food and pharmaceutical products. Although they are not subject to PROGEC, they must nevertheless comply with specific regulations.

To be admitted to the Gabonese market, imported products must meet the standards and technical regulations defined by the Gabonese Agency for Standardization (AGANOR). This agency, created by the Gabonese government, is the national body responsible for standardization, certification and metrology.

AGANOR, the Gabonese Agency for Standardization

Since its creation in 2010, AGANOR has worked for the quality and competitiveness of products and services in Gabon through several missions :

  • Development and dissemination of Gabonese, regional and international standards.
  • Accreditation and supervision of conformity assessment bodies, including testing laboratories and certification and inspection bodies.
  • Issuance of certificates of conformity according to Gabonese standards or approved equivalent standards.
  • Quality control and safety of products and services available on the Gabonese market.
  • Participation in standardization and metrology activities at regional and international level.

As the competent authority, AGANOR is responsible for the implementation of PROGEC, the accreditation of the bodies issuing PROGEC certificates of conformity and the monitoring of the program on the Gabonese territory.

Products subject to PROGEC

PROGEC applies to products classified in the Chapters of the Customs Code, except Chapters 01 to 24 which cover food products. The products covered by PROGEC are divided into four groups :

  • Group I : Building materials, chemicals and building products.
  • Group II : Machinery, appliances, electrical and electronic equipment.
  • Group III : Cosmetics, medical-surgical devices and toys.
  • Group IV : Various other products, including mineral products, pyrotechnics, photographic products, precious metals, textiles, transportation equipment, precision instruments, weapons and more.

To determine the group of a product, its customs code should be consulted, a 10-digit identifier which reflects the nature, composition, origin and destination of the product. This code is usually indicated on the commercial invoice and can also be found in the customs tariff of Gabon.

How to obtain PROGEC compliance certification for Gabon ?

To obtain the PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon, it is essential to apply to an organization certified by AGANOR. This involves having your products evaluated to ensure that they meet current standards and regulations. The bodies authorised for this certification are INTERTEK, SGS and BUREAU VERITAS. Depending on your requirements and your budget, you have the freedom to choose the organization that suits you.

The process of acquiring PROGEC certification for Gabon is structured around four main stages :

1. Start by submitting an application for certification to the organization of your choice

Attach the proforma invoice and the documents attesting to the quality of your products (such as the catalogue, technical data sheet, certificate of analysis, etc.).

2. The organization will assess your application and guide you on the process for certification

It will offer you one of three possible paths: Path A, for non-registered or unlicensed products; Path B, for already registered products (valid for one year); and Path C, for licensed products (also valid for one year).

3. Checks will then be carried out in accordance with the selected track

These checks may include laboratory tests, pre-shipment inspections, factory audits, among others. The results will be communicated to you, informing you of the conformity or not of your products.

4. If compliant, you will be issued a Certificate of Compliance (CoC).

This document is essential for the customs clearance of your products with the Gabonese authorities. If your products are not compliant, you will have to make the necessary adjustments to meet the requirements or renounce their export.

The PROGEC compliance certification process is designed to be both simple and efficient, facilitating the export of your products to Gabon while enhancing your brand in this market.

What are the benefits of obtaining PROGEC compliance certification for Gabon ?

The PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon offers exporters and importers significant advantages, divided into three main categories: economic, social, and environmental.

Economic benefits

Obtaining the PROGEC certification for Gabon allows :

  • Facilitate trade and reduce transaction costs by preventing delays, customs blockages and fines.
  • Improve the competitiveness and reputation of products on the Gabonese market through the guarantee of their quality and safety.
  • Open new business opportunities and collaborations with local entities, both public and private sector.
  • Benefit from the expertise and support of PROGEC certified organizations, offering consulting, training, inspection and certification services that meet the needs of exporters and importers.

Social benefits

PROGEC certification for Gabon contributes to :

  • Ensure the protection of the health and safety of Gabonese consumers by preventing the introduction of dangerous, counterfeit or substandard products.
  • Strengthen the confidence and satisfaction of Gabonese consumers through the provision of quality products that meet their expectations.
  • To stimulate the economic and social development of Gabon by supporting job creation, innovation and economic diversification.
  • Facilitate the cooperation and integration of Gabon at regional and international level by aligning its technical standards and regulations with those of its trading partners.

Environmental benefits

PROGEC certification for Gabon helps to :

  • Protect the environment and natural resources of Gabon by prohibiting the import of polluting, toxic or non-biodegradable products.
  • Encourage sustainable development and corporate social responsibility by promoting the adoption of ecological and ethical standards.
  • Educate Gabonese consumers on environmental issues and responsible consumption practices.

PROGEC compliance certification is an essential lever for exporters and importers targeting the Gabonese market, allowing them to meet local requirements, stand out from the competition, to retain their customers and actively participate in the sustainable development of Gabon.

Which organizations offer PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon ?

To obtain the PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon, it is necessary to go through a body accredited by AGANOR. This certification assesses the conformity of the products to the standards and regulations in force. The three organizations accredited for PROGEC are INTERTEK, SGS and BUREAU VERITAS. The choice of organization can be made according to specific needs and available budget.


INTERTEK, a global player in inspection, testing, certification and consulting services, is present in more than 100 countries with a team of more than 40,000 employees. Offering tailor-made solutions, INTERTEK helps companies ensure the quality, safety, performance and compliance of their products and systems. Accredited by AGANOR since 2016, INTERTEK provides its international network of offices and laboratories to carry out the controls and tests necessary for certification of conformity according to Gabonese standards.

In addition, INTERTEK offers consulting, training, audit and regulatory monitoring services to facilitate the certification process for exporters and importers.


SGS, a global leader in inspection, control, analysis and certification services, operates in more than 140 countries and employs approximately 89,000 people. This organization offers a wide range of services to ensure the quality, safety, reliability and durability of its customers' products and systems. Accredited by AGANOR for PROGEC certification since 2015, SGS stands out for its expertise in conformity assessment, relying on qualified teams and state-of-the-art equipment.

SGS performs the controls and tests required for product compliance certification in accordance with Gabonese requirements and also offers consulting, training, auditing and regulatory monitoring services.


BUREAU VERITAS, a world leader in testing, inspection and certification services, is present in more than 140 countries with a workforce of more than 75,000 employees. The company offers its services to various entities to evaluate and improve the quality, safety, performance and compliance of their activities and products. Accredited by AGANOR since 2015 for the PROGEC certification, BUREAU VERITAS has a recognized expertise in the field of conformity assessment, thanks to its team of qualified professionals and its adapted technical means.

BUREAU VERITAS carries out the necessary tests and controls for the certification of products according to Gabonese standards and also offers consulting, training, audit and regulatory monitoring services, supporting the certification of exporters and importers.

What are the steps to obtain PROGEC compliance certification for Gabon ?

To successfully navigate towards obtaining PROGEC compliance certification in Gabon, follow these key steps :

1. Select an accredited organization

Start by choosing an AGANOR accredited body for the conformity assessment of your products. The three organizations accredited for PROGEC are INTERTEK, SGS and BUREAU VERITAS. Compare their services, prices and deadlines to find the option that best suits your needs.

2. Submit an application for certification

Complete and submit a certification application to the organization of your choice. Attach the proforma invoice and the technical documents of your products (catalogue, technical data sheet, certificate of analysis, etc.), specifying the customs code of the products to identify their group.

3. Understand the certification route

The evaluating body will review your application and determine the appropriate certification route for your products, among the following options: route A for non-registered products, route B for registered products (valid for one year) and route C for licensed products (valid for one year). The choice of route will depend on the type, nature and origin of your products.

4. Perform required controls

The organisation will carry out the necessary checks according to the selected certification route. These controls may include laboratory tests, pre-shipment inspections and factory audits. You will be informed of the results and compliance of your products.

5. Obtain the Certificate of Conformity

When your products meet the required standards, the body in charge will give you a certificate of conformity (CoC). This document is essential to present to the customs of Gabon in order to proceed with the customs clearance of your goods. In the event that your products are not compliant, it is imperative to take corrective measures to ensure their compliance. Otherwise, you will be forced to abandon their export.

How much does PROGEC compliance certification cost for Gabon ?

The price of the PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon varies according to various criteria, including the type and quantity of products, their value, as well as their origin and destination. Other factors influencing the price are the selected certification path, inspections and tests carried out, not to mention the accredited entity in charge. A flat fee is not established for this certification. Nevertheless, an estimate can be obtained by contacting the accredited bodies or via an online quote request form.

PROGEC’s accredited bodies, such as INTERTEK, SGS, and BUREAU VERITAS, offer competitive and clear rates. Their prices vary according to the services provided and may include special offers or adapted payment terms.

For more details on their services and conditions, their websites are a useful resource.

The costs associated with the PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon generally cover :

  • Document verification : examination of the certification application and technical documents of the products.
  • Physical inspection : visual verification of products before shipment.
  • Laboratory tests : analysis of product samples according to current standards and regulations.
  • Factory audit : evaluation of the manufacturer’s or supplier’s quality management system.
  • The issuance of the certificate of conformity : drafting and sending of the official document proving the conformity of the products.

Investing in PROGEC compliance certification for Gabon is advantageous for exporters and importers of products to that country. This ensures that they meet the standards of the Gabonese market, facilitates trade, improves the competitiveness and credibility of their products, while benefiting from the expertise and support of accredited entities.

How long does it take to obtain PROGEC compliance certification for Gabon ?

The time required to obtain the PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon depends on various elements, including the type and quantity of products, their origin and destination, the selected certification route, as well as inspections and analyses carried out by the chosen certification body. Although there is no set deadline for obtaining this certification, an estimate can be provided by contacting the accredited bodies or via an online quote request.

Entities accredited to deliver PROGEC certification, such as INTERTEK, SGS and BUREAU VERITAS, offer adaptive turnaround times and can offer emergency or facilitation solutions. Their websites provide more information on deadlines and terms of service.

To obtain the PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon, the steps generally involved are :

  • Document verification : examination of the certification application and technical documents of the products.
  • Physical inspection : visual verification of products before shipment.
  • Laboratory tests : analysis of product samples in accordance with current standards.
  • Factory audit : evaluation of the manufacturer’s or supplier’s quality management system.
  • The issuance of the certificate of conformity : drafting and sending of the document attesting to the conformity of the products.

Knowing how long it takes to obtain this certification is essential for exporters and importers of products to Gabon, allowing them to plan their shipments efficiently, meet their commitments and satisfy their customers.

Do I need to renew the PROGEC conformity certification for Gabon ?

The PROGEC conformity certification, necessary to export your products to Gabon, has a validity period that varies according to the type of product and the chosen certification route. To maintain your exports, renewing this certification is essential.

There are three PROGEC certification paths: A, B and C. Route A applies to non-registered or unlicensed products, requiring certification for each shipment. Routes B and C concern registered or licensed products, with a certification valid for one year.

In summary, the PROGEC conformity certification must be renewed after each shipment for Route A products, and annually for Routes B and C products. A renewal is also required if you make changes to the specifications, the composition or origin of your products, or if Gabonese standards evolve.

To renew, follow the initial certification process: select an accredited organization (such as INTERTEK, SGS or BUREAU VERITAS), submit an application, follow the appropriate certification route, perform the required controls and obtain your certificate of compliance. Contact the organization of your choice for details and conditions of renewal.

Renewing your PROGEC certification is not only mandatory to remain compliant with the requirements of the Gabonese market, but it is also a chance to guarantee the quality and safety of your products, adjust your offer to the latest standards and regulations and improve your reputation with your customers.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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