IMANOR, the Moroccan Institute of Standardization

The Moroccan Institute of Standardization, known by the acronym IMANOR, represents the official entity in Morocco dedicated to standardization, certification and training related to standards. Its core mission is to support the economic and social development of Morocco by developing meaningful standards, awarding conformity certificates and offering training that meets the requirements of economic actors.

What is the IMANOR ?

IMANOR, or Moroccan Institute of Standardization, is a public body founded under law no. 12-06 of 2010. Reporting to the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy, it is governed by a board of directors representing the various sectors involved in standardization.

IMANOR’s central mission is to support the economic and social development of Morocco by developing national standards, awarding conformity certificates and offering training on standards and practices to economic actors and stakeholders. The institute also plays an important role in disseminating information on Moroccan and international standards, making them accessible to the general public.

Operating in a multitude of sectors, including industry, trade, services, agriculture, environment, health and safety, IMANOR is committed to standardization at the international and regional levels. It represents Morocco in organizations such as ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and COPANT (Pan American Standards Commission), and collaborates with various national and international standardization entities, certification of goods and accreditation.

Why did you create IMANOR ?

IMANOR was founded to modernize and harmonize the standardization system in Morocco, initially managed by the Moroccan Industrial Standardization Service (SNIMA). Its aim is to boost the competitiveness of local businesses, simplify access to markets nationally and internationally, protect consumers and the environment and support the implementation of public policies.

This organization also has the mission to implement the Morocco's Compliance Verification Programme (VoC) of Morocco, effective since February 1, 2020. This program ensures that products imported into Morocco comply with Moroccan or international standards in terms of quality and safety.

The VoC concerns two categories of products, subject either to prior verification in the exporting country, or to inspection on arrival at the Moroccan borders.

It allows the prevention of health, environmental and economic risks related to non-compliant imports, while encouraging fair and equitable competition among economic actors.

Participation in VoC is mandatory for importers, who must obtain a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) issued by an accredited entity, such as Intertek or TÜV Rheinland, essential for the customs clearance of goods in Moroccan territory.

What are the existing IMANOR standards and are they mandatory?

IMANOR standards define criteria and recommended practices for different sectors, including industry, trade, services, agriculture, environment, health and safety. These standards are developed by standards commissions, which ensure balanced representation of stakeholders, based on principles of consensus and transparency.

These normative documents are in line with international and regional standards, such as those of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and European standards, thus allowing global harmonization. They evolve regularly to adapt to technological advances, market expectations and legal obligations.

Accessible on the IMANOR website, the online catalogue offers the possibility to consult, request information, obtain quotes or purchase standards. These documents are also available in the IMANOR regional offices and in some specialized documentation centres.

Although the application of IMANOR standards is generally voluntary, they may become mandatory if a regulatory instrument or contractual agreement so stipulates. These mandatory standards (NAO) must then be respected by the economic actors concerned and are published in the Official Bulletin, with the possibility of consulting them on the IMANOR website.

Which products need to be certified by an IMANOR standard ?

Certification according to IMANOR standards is a voluntary process attesting to the conformity of a product, service or system to Moroccan standards or a normative reference. This certification values quality, safety, performance, reliability, innovation and traceability of certified products, services or systems.

Being certified allows the strengthening of the trust of customers, consumers, partners and authorities.

IMANOR certification can cover a wide range of products, including industrial, food, construction, electrical, cosmetics, textiles, tobacco, halal and many other products. It also extends to various services such as training, consulting, transport, health, tourism, among others.

In addition, it may include quality, environmental, security, energy, information management systems, etc.

This certification is not systematically mandatory. It becomes mandatory only for products, services or systems subject to specific regulations or contractual requirements.

For example, importing products into Morocco requires certification in accordance with equivalent Moroccan or international standards, as part of the Verification of Conformity (VoC). Halal products must meet halal standards according to the Halal Certification Program (PCH), while construction products are subject to the Construction Products Certification Program (PCPC).

IMANOR or certification bodies accredited by the Moroccan Accreditation Service (SEMAC) deliver the certification. It is based on audits, tests, inspections or evaluations by qualified and independent experts.

Certification takes the form of a certificate of conformity, a certificate of conformity or a mark of conformity.

Choosing the right IMANOR certification program

IMANOR offers a variety of certification programs, designed to meet the specific needs of products, services or systems. Each program is unique in terms of requirements, processes, benefits and costs, emphasizing the importance of selecting the one that best suits your industry, objectives and market.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the IMANOR certification programs available :

Products certification

  • Compliance Verification Program (CVP) : Intended for products imported into Morocco, this program ensures their compliance with Moroccan or international standards, thus facilitating customs clearance and ensuring quality and safety.
  • Halal Certification Program (PCH) : Specific to halal products, this program certifies their compliance with halal standards, meeting the expectations of Muslim consumers and improving competitiveness in this market.
  • Construction Products Certification Program (PCPC) : This program ensures that construction products meet current standards, ensuring their performance, durability and safety.

Services certification

  • Training Services Certification Program (CFSP) : This program ensures that training services are in line with the NM ISO 29993:2018 standard, ensuring quality, efficiency and satisfaction.
  • Consulting Services Certification Program (PCSC) : It certifies that consulting services comply with NM ISO 20700:2018, ensuring quality, relevance and transparency.
  • This program confirms the conformity of transport services to NM ISO 39001:2014, guaranteeing their safety and reliability.

Systems certification

  • Quality Management Systems Certification Program (PCSMQ) : It certifies the compliance of quality management systems to the ISO 9001:2015 standard, aimed at continuous performance improvement and customer satisfaction.
  • Environmental Management Systems Certification Program (EMCP) : This program ensures that environmental management systems comply with the ISO 14001:2015 standard, thereby contributing to environmental friendliness and reducing negative impacts.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) Certification Program : It ensures compliance of occupational health and safety systems with the ISO 45001:2018 standard, promoting a safe and healthy working environment.

To select the most suitable certification program, it is recommended to consult IMANOR or an accredited certification body. Further information on the conditions, procedures, costs and benefits of each programme is available on the IMANOR website, where you can also download brochures, guides and forms.

What are the essential criteria for obtaining one of the IMANOR standards ?

To obtain an IMANOR standard, it is imperative to comply with the conformity criteria specified by the Moroccan standard or the normative reference in force for the product, service or system in question. These criteria include various aspects such as characteristics, performance, test methods, design or operating rules, and good practices and recommendations related to the product, service or system.

These criteria are aligned with international, regional standards or the specificities of the Moroccan market.

Compliance criteria vary depending on the type of product, service or system and the certification program selected. Examples of compliance criteria for specific IMANOR certification programs include :

Compliance criteria for the Compliance Verification Program (VoC)

  • Products imported into Morocco must be in accordance with Moroccan standards or equivalent international standards, mentioned in the technical regulations for each product category.
  • Imported products must have a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) issued by an approved entity, certifying that the products have been verified in the country of export or destination, as the case may be.
  • Products must undergo testing, inspections or audits conducted by qualified and independent experts, in accordance with the methods and procedures established by the compliance verification program.

Compliance Criteria for the Halal Certification Program (HCP)

  • Halal products must comply with halal standards, based on the principles of Islamic Sharia and defining the criteria of lawfulness, production, processing, storage, transport and labelling of halal products.
  • Halal products must be accompanied by a Halal Certificate issued by IMANOR or an accredited halal certification body, proving that the products have been examined by competent and independent halal auditors, according to the methods and procedures of the halal certification program.
  • Halal products must be subject to audits, analyses or verifications by qualified and independent halal experts, according to the frequencies and modalities defined by the halal certification program.

Compliance Criteria for the Quality Management Systems Certification Program (QMSCP)

  • Quality management systems must comply with ISO 9001:2015, which specifies the requirements in terms of planning, implementation, control, improvement and documentation of the quality management system.
  • They must be validated by a Certificate of Conformity issued by IMANOR or an accredited certification body, attesting that the quality management system has been evaluated by qualified and independent auditors, in accordance with the methods and procedures of the quality management systems certification programme.
  • Quality management systems shall be subject to internal and external audits by qualified and independent auditors, in accordance with the frequencies and modalities of the quality management systems certification programme.

To adhere to the compliance criteria, it is recommended to consult the Moroccan standards or relevant normative standards, available on the IMANOR website, or at its regional offices or specialized documentation centres. It is also wise to seek the help of experts, consultants or certification bodies to obtain advice, training or tailor-made services that meet the needs of economic operators.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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