GSA, the Ghana Standards Authority

The Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) is the main entity in Ghana dedicated to the development and publication of standards. Its core mission is to ensure that imported products and services comply with established quality criteria. In addition, the GSA promotes metrology, which is the precise study of measurements.

What is the GSA ?

The GSA (Ghana Standards Authority) is far from what could be associated with large food stores in France. This Ghanaian national body is dedicated to the development and publication of standards. Its main role is to ensure that products and services entering Ghana meet specific quality criteria. He is also dedicated to the promotion of metrology, which is the study of measurements.

As the accreditation body of Ghana, the GSA validates the technical competence of conformity assessment entities, including testing laboratories, certification bodies and inspectors. This recognition is important for maintaining high quality standards.

Founded in 2022 by legislation of the Ghanaian Parliament, the GSA enjoys extensive prerogatives to act against companies that do not comply with established standards. Its mission includes consumer protection, trade facilitation, improving the competitiveness of local products and services and supporting Ghana’s sustainable development. The GSA shares essential information, such as current standards, including technical data, goods conformity certification services, and news and events related to standardization and metrology in the country.

Participating in the UNIDO Knowledge Hub, the GSA cooperates with other national and international entities to strengthen the capacities of developing countries in the fields of standardization, accreditation and metrology. It works in collaboration with institutions such as the Ghana National Accreditation Board, the Ghana Technical Information Centre and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Why did you create the GSA ?

Contrary to what some might think, the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) was not established simply as a Ghanaian version of the US General Services Administration, which oversees US federal acquisitions. The GSA was created to meet specific needs in Ghana in terms of quality, safety and competitiveness of products and services available on the market. The main reasons for its creation are :

Ensure compliance with international standards

One of the main objectives of the GSA is to develop and disseminate standards that comply with international standards, in particular those established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). These standards aim to ensure that products and services imported or exported from Ghana meet strict criteria in terms of quality, performance, sustainability, safety, hygiene and environmental impact, among others.

For this, the GSA relies on testing laboratories, certification bodies and qualified inspectors to verify compliance with these standards by market participants. By ensuring this compliance, the GSA plays a role in consumer protection, trade facilitation, improving the competitiveness of local businesses and building trust between different stakeholders.

Promote metrology and the art of measurement

The GSA also plays a fundamental role in promoting metrology, or the art of measurement, which is essential for the reliability, accuracy and traceability of measurements in various sectors such as health, agriculture, industry and research. He is responsible for establishing and maintaining national measurement standards in Ghana. The GSA oversees the verification and calibration of measurement instruments and offers training and technical information on metrology.

These actions contribute to improving the quality and safety of products and services, while supporting innovation and technological development.

Recognize the technical competence of service providers

As Ghana’s accreditation body, the GSA attests to the technical competence of conformity assessment service providers, such as testing laboratories and certification bodies. Accreditation, although voluntary, allows these providers to prove that they meet international standards and requirements of quality and competence. The GSA offers them accreditation services and conducts regular audits to ensure that the accreditation criteria are maintained.

This recognition of technical competence enhances the credibility and added value of products and services and encourages regional and international cooperation.

What are the existing GSA standards and are they mandatory ?

The Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) develops and publishes standards covering many sectors, including agri-food, construction, energy, environment, health and services. These standards align with international standards, particularly those of ISO, the International Organization for Standardization.

Not all GSA standards are mandatory. Some can be applied on a voluntary basis, allowing service providers to decide whether to follow them, depending on their business strategy or commitment to quality. Other standards are made mandatory by technical regulations, requiring their compliance for the exercise of professional activities or the marketing of products.

There are two main types of technical regulations that can make a GSA standard mandatory :

National regulations

These regulations are legislative or regulatory measures designed to protect the health, safety, environment or economic interests of consumers. They may designate one or more GSA standards as the preferred or exclusive means of meeting regulatory requirements.

For example, the Decree of 25 July 2022, which establishes the safety standards and technical provisions for provisional structures, makes mandatory the GS ISO 3834-2:2015 standard concerning the quality requirements for fusion welding of metal materials.

Community rules

These are legislative or regulatory measures aimed at harmonizing the marketing conditions of products or services within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Such regulations may refer to one or more GSA standards as a means of demonstrating compliance with Community requirements.

For example, Regulation C/REG.4/12/2008 on the certification of conformity programme for products imported into ECOWAS Member States requires that products comply with GSA standards or equivalent international standards in order to obtain a certification of conformity.

Which products need to be certified by a GSA standard ?

The Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) is the body that certifies products and services that comply with the standards it establishes or adopts. Ghana’s EasyPASS compliance certification can be either voluntary or mandatory, depending on the type of product or service, as well as current technical regulations.

Achieving GSA certification ensures the quality, safety, performance, durability and compliance of products and services, while building consumer and buyer confidence. Products requiring GSA certification include:

Food products

Strict food safety, hygiene, composition and labelling standards apply to food products. The GSA certifies them according to national or international standards, such as the GS ISO 22000 standard for food safety management systems, or the GFSI standard for global food safety. For food products imported into ECOWAS countries or exported to certain destinations, GSA certification, proving their conformity, is mandatory.

Construction products

Construction products must meet standards of strength, stability, safety, insulation and energy efficiency. Certified by the GSA according to national or international criteria such as GS ISO 9001 and GS ISO 14001, some construction products must also meet specific requirements, such as the CE marking for export to the European Union, attesting to their compliance with European standards.

Health products

Safety, efficiency, quality and performance standards also apply to health products. The GSA certifies them according to standards such as GS ISO 13485 for medical devices or GS ISO 15189 for medical biology laboratories. Some health products, to be sold in Ghana or exported, must obtain GSA certification, ensuring they meet current regulations.

Which GSA certification program to choose ? Are there several ?

The Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) provides multiple certification programs for service providers wishing to demonstrate compliance with standards established or adopted by the GSA. These programs are designed to meet the various needs and objectives of providers, depending on the type of product or service, the target market and the level of requirement.

Discover the main certification programs offered by the GSA :

The GSA Schedule program

The GSA Schedule is a certification program that allows service providers to market their products or services to the US government through the US General Services Administration (GSA). This program establishes a long-term contract that defines the prices, as well as the terms and conditions of delivery. It covers a wide range of products and services, including office supplies, computer equipment, consulting and training services.

To be eligible for the GSA Schedule, providers must comply with GSA standards, submit administrative and financial documents and pass an GSA audit. Benefits include access to a large and stable market, simplified contractual procedures and reduced sales costs.

The GSA MAS program

The GSA MAS, or Multiple Award Schedule, is a certification program that allows to sell to various buyers, public or private, via an online catalog of the GSA. Like the GSA Schedule, it is based on a long-term contract that specifies prices, terms and conditions of delivery, and covers a wide range of products and services, including medical supplies and security services.

To access the GSA MAS, the criteria include compliance with GSA standards, provision of necessary documents and successful completion of an GSA audit. This program provides access to a diverse market, the opportunity to negotiate terms with buyers and increased visibility and credibility.

The GSA BLISS program

The GSA BLISS, or Bright Language International Standardized Solution, is intended for providers wishing to certify their language skills via an online test developed by Bright Language. This adaptive test assesses oral and written comprehension and expression, as well as grammar and vocabulary, in 11 languages, including English, French and Spanish.

To obtain this certification, you must take the online test, lasting about one hour, and obtain a score of 0 to 5, based on the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Benefits include international recognition of the test, proof of language proficiency and facilitation of professional mobility.

What are the essential criteria for obtaining one of the GSA standards ?

The Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) is the body responsible for awarding certifications to companies that meet the standards it has implemented or adopted. These standards apply to a variety of sectors, including agri-food, construction and health.

To be certified by the GSA, service providers must meet specific criteria. These criteria vary depending on the standard, the type of product or service concerned and the certification program chosen. Let’s look at some of these key criteria:

Criteria for the product or service

These are requirements related to the characteristics of the product or service, such as quality, safety, sustainability and environmental impact. These criteria are based on GSA standards or equivalent international standards. For example, to obtain the ISO 22000 standard for food safety, the product or service must :

  • Identify and assess hazards and risks to food safety at each stage of the food chain.
  • Document and maintain information related to the food safety management system.
  • Train staff in good hygiene and food safety practices.
  • Continuously monitor and improve the food safety management system.

Criteria relating to the service provider

These criteria relate to the skills, qualifications and resources of the service provider. They are defined by GSA standards or corresponding international standards. For the GS ISO 9001 quality management standard, the service provider must :

  • Define the quality policy and objectives of its organization.
  • Plan and implement the processes necessary to achieve these objectives.
  • Measure performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Identify and address non-conformities and complaints.
  • Continuously improve the efficiency of the quality management system.

Criteria for the certification program

These criteria relate to the specifics of the chosen certification program, such as modalities, deadlines and costs. For the GSA Schedule program, the service provider must :

  • Complete and submit the online application form for the GSA Schedule contract.
  • Provide necessary administrative and financial documents such as legal status and tax identification number.
  • Offer competitive and fair rates for its products or services.
  • Submit to a compliance audit by the GSA.
  • Sign and comply with the terms of the GSA Schedule contract for its entire duration.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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