SONCAP Certification : Export to Nigeria with confidence

SONCAP certification is a means of verifying that products imported into Nigeria meet the required quality standards. Established by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON), it aims to protect Nigerian consumers from the risks associated with unsafe or substandard products. For regulated products, having this certification is imperative for their customs clearance, according to the import guidelines of the Nigerian government.

What is the SONCAP certification ?

The SONCAP (Standards Organisation of Nigeria Conformity Assessment Program) certification is an essential process to ensure that products imported into Nigeria meet certain safety and quality standards. This certification, established by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON), aims to protect Nigerien consumers by preventing the entry of dangerous or substandard products into the market.

It is essential for the import and customs clearance of regulated products, in accordance with the import guidelines of the Nigerian federal government. In the absence of this certification, the products may be confiscated, tested or destroyed at the expense of the importer.

The SONCAP certification process is structured around four key steps for product quality verification, in accordance with international and local standards such as NIS, ISO, IEC, etc. The steps include :

These documents are essential for the import process and customs clearance of the products concerned by SONCAP, in accordance with the national import rules. The SONCAP (SC) certificate is a document required for customs clearance in Nigeria.

It is issued by the SON after receipt of the certificate of conformity (CoC) issued by accredited independent bodies (IAF), certifying that the products meet the appropriate standards and regulations, or, otherwise, that a non-conformity report (NCR) was issued.

SONCAP certification covers various conformity assessment procedures, including physical inspection before shipment, sampling, testing in accredited laboratories, production audit and verification of documentary compliance with regulations, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of compliance with established standards.

Which products are covered by the SONCAP certification ?

The SONCAP certification covers all products imported into Nigeria that are regulated by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON). These products are evaluated and classified according to their level of risk to the health, safety and environment of Nigerien consumers. There are three risk categories :

Group 1 : High risk products

This category includes products that require thorough and rigorous compliance verification prior to shipment. The products of this group are subject to physical inspection, laboratory tests, an audit of production processes and a documentary verification. High risk products include :

  • Chemical and gase products
  • Electrical and electronic products
  • Mechanical and metallurgical products
  • Automotive and pneumatic products
  • Petroleum and lubricant products
  • Paper and wood products
  • Textile and leather products
  • Food and agricultural products
  • Cosmetic and pharmaceutical products
  • Medical and veterinary products

Group 2 : Medium Risk Products

This category includes products for which a simplified compliance check is required before shipment. They undergo physical inspection and document verification. These products include :

  • Plastic and rubber products
  • Glass and ceramic products
  • Stone and marble products
  • Cotton and wool products
  • Silk and linen products
  • Man-made fibre products
  • Natural and artificial leather products
  • Wood and bamboo products
  • Paper and cardboard products
  • Metal and alloy products

Group 3 : Low Risk Products

Products in this category do not require pre-shipment compliance verification. They are simply subject to a supplier’s declaration of conformity and a document check. These products include :

  • Gold and silver products
  • Diamond and precious stone products
  • Products in pearls and coral
  • Ivory and bone products
  • Feather and fur products
  • Products in flowers and plants
  • Wax and resin products
  • Soap and detergent products
  • Products in paint and varnish
  • Products in perfume and incense

What are the advantages of obtaining SONCAP certification ?

SONCAP certification offers significant benefits to Nigerien exporters, importers and consumers.

For exporters

SONCAP certification allows you to :

  • Facilitate the customs clearance of your products by avoiding delays, penalties, and seizures in Nigeria.
  • Improve your reputation as a supplier of high-end products that meet international standards.
  • Access a vast market of over 200 million consumers in Nigeria.
  • Benefit from personalized support and an effective service from independent bodies accredited for the delivery of SONCAP.

For importers

SONCAP certification allows you to :

  • Ensure the safety and quality of imported products by reducing health and environmental risks.
  • Comply with regulatory standards required by the Nigerian government and the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON).
  • Meet the expectations of Nigerian consumers by providing certified and compliant products.
  • Gain a competitive advantage in the Nigerian market, thus distinguishing you from importers without certification.

For consumers

By choosing SONCAP certified products, you :

  • Protect your health and safety by avoiding unsafe or poor quality products.
  • Ensure your rights in case of quality or product compliance issues.
  • Contribute to Nigeria’s economic and social advancement by focusing on responsible importers.
  • Have access to a wider variety of safe, quality and standard-compliant products.

Which organizations offer SONCAP certification ?

The SONCAP certification is awarded by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON), the national authority responsible for the development and implementation of technical standards and regulations in Nigeria. The SON also manages the accreditation and supervision of independent accredited firms (IAF), whose mission is to verify the conformity of products before they are shipped.

What is an Independent Accredited Firm (IAF) ?

An Independent Accredited Firm (IAF) is a neutral organization validated by the SON to conduct conformity assessments in the SONCAP program. Recognized worldwide for their technical know-how, impartiality and seriousness, the IAF offer reliable and quality services, supported by certified laboratories, competent staff, and standardized processes.

You can find the list of IAF on the website of the Standards Organization of Nigeria, where you can also contact the SON for more information on the services offered by IAF.

What are the steps to obtain SONCAP certification ?

To earn SONCAP certification, follow the steps below based on the risk category associated with your product:

For Group 1 products : High risk products

Contact one of the eight independent accredited firms (IAF) authorized to issue SONCAP certification.

Present the following information to the IAF :

  • product description
  • Product Tariff Code
  • native country
  • country of dispatch
  • name and address of supplier
  • Name and address of importer
  • Value and quantity of the product
  • Supporting documents (invoice, packing list, certificate of analysis, etc.)

The IAF will perform a physical inspection, laboratory testing, manufacturing process audit, and document verification of your product. If it complies with the standards and regulations in force, you will receive a product certificate (PC) and a certificate of conformity (CoC).

In the event of non-compliance, you will be provided with a Non-Compliance Report (NCR). You will need to make the necessary adjustments. After which, you will submit the PC and CoC to the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) to obtain the SONCAP certificate required for customs clearance of your products in Nigeria

For Group 2 products : Medium risk products

The procedure is identical to that of high-risk products, apart from the fact that physical inspection and document verification are sufficient for obtaining the PC and CoC. It is not required to have the product tested in the laboratory or to have the manufacturing processes audited.

You will still need to submit the CP and CoC to the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) for the SONCAP certificate, which is required for customs clearance of your products in Nigeria.

For Group 3 products: Low risk products

Simply complete a Supplier Declaration of Compliance and provide supporting documentation to an IAF. You don’t need to have your product inspected, tested, or audited. The IAF will issue the PC and CoC based on your declaration of conformity.

Subsequently, submit the PC and CoC to the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) to acquire the SONCAP certificate, necessary for the import of your products into Nigeria.

How much does the SONCAP certification cost ?

The cost of SONCAP certification may vary depending on several criteria, including the type of product, the associated risk group, the volume and value of the product, and the frequency of importation. This cost is also influenced by the choice of the independent accredited firm (IAF) chosen to carry out the conformity verification of your product. SONCAP certification includes various fees :

  • Inspection, testing, audit and certification fees, established by the IAF according to the type of product, its risk group, volume, value and frequency of importation.
  • Administrative fee charged by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) to issue the SONCAP certificate, calculated at 0.5% of the FOB (Free On Board) value of the product, with a minimum amount of 250 USD and a maximum of 3,000 USD per shipment.
  • Travel, accommodation and living expenses of the IAF if an inspection, test, audit or certification requires the presence of their personnel at the production or shipping site.

For an accurate estimate of the cost of SONCAP certification, we recommend that you consult the website of the chosen IAF. You can also request a quote directly online or by phone. Take the time to compare the offers of the different IAF to select the one that best fits your criteria of quality, price and deadlines.

How long does it take to obtain SONCAP certification ?

Obtaining SONCAP certification varies according to several criteria, such as the type of product, its risk group, as well as the volume, value and frequency of import. The choice of the independent accreditation body (IAF) carrying out the compliance verification also plays a crucial role. There are three main types of deadlines for obtaining this certification :

  • The inspection, test, audit and certification period, depending on the complexity of the product, as well as its availability and location, and determined by the IAF.
  • The administrative deadline set by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) to issue the SONCAP certificate (SC), which is generally 24 hours after the receipt of the certificate of conformity (CoC) by the IAF.
  • The transport time, influenced by the mode of delivery and the distance between the country of origin and Nigeria.

For more details on the time required for SONCAP certification, it is recommended to consult the site of the IAF chosen for the compliance verification of your product. It is also possible to request a quote, either online or by phone.

Comparing the proposals of the different IAF will allow you to find the best offer in terms of quality, price and time.

Is there a renewal to be done regarding the SONCAP certification ?

SONCAP certification, essential for exporting products to Nigeria, has a limited validity period and requires periodic renewal. Renewal procedures vary depending on the type of certificate.

For Product Certificate (PC)

Valid for six months following its issuance, the Product Certificate (CP) requires a renewal to continue exporting the same item to Nigeria. To begin this process, it is imperative to contact the Accredited Society (IAF) that initiated the issuance. Information and documentation required for renewal include :

  • The number of the previous PC,
  • An attestation confirming that the product has not changed since its last validation,
  • An assurance that the product still meets current standards,
  • Required supporting documents such as invoice, packing list, certificate of analysis, etc.

Upon receipt, the IAF undertakes a re-evaluation of the documentation to determine if the product remains compliant. A new PC will be awarded if everything is in order. In the event of a product change or non-compliance with current standards, a new conformity assessment process, depending on the product risk group, will be required.

For the certificate of conformity (CoC)

The certificate of conformity (CoC), valid only for the current shipment, must be renewed for each shipment of product to Nigeria. This renewal involves communicating to the Accredited Society (IAF) the valid CP number as well as :

  • The detailed description of the product.
  • The corresponding tariff code.
  • The countries of origin and shipment of the product.
  • Information about the supplier and importer.
  • The quantity and value of the product.
  • Supporting documents such as invoice and certificate of analysis.

The inspection and revision of the documents performed by the IAF will depend on the level of risk attached to the product. A new CoC will be issued if the product still meets expectations. Otherwise, a non-conformity report will be provided to you, requiring correction.

For the SONCAP certificate (SC)

Similarly to CoC, the SONCAP (SC) certificate is issued for each shipment and requires its own renewal for any new batch export to Nigeria. To obtain renewal, valid CPs and CoCs must be submitted to the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON), which will issue a new SC within 24 hours of receipt of the CoC.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


See Also

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