SALEEM Certification : Export to Saudi Arabia with confidence

If you plan to export your products to Saudi Arabia but are wondering about compliance with local standards, SALEEM certification may be the solution. Perhaps you have heard about it without understanding its importance or how to acquire it. The SALEEM certification aims to ensure that products imported into Saudi Arabia meet high standards of quality and safety, for the well-being of consumers as well as the protection of society and the environment.

What is the SALEEM certification ?

The SALEEM certification, established by the Saudi organization of standards, metrology and quality (SASO), is a program dedicated to product safety. It aims to ensure that items imported into Saudi territory meet a high level of quality and do not pose any danger to users, the community and the environment. To achieve this, the SALEEM certification is divided into two main phases: the certification of the product itself and the certification of its shipment.

Regarding the certification of product conformity, it involves a rigorous verification to confirm the conformity of the product with the standards and technical regulations of the sector. Depending on the degree of risk associated with the product, there are three main conformity assessment procedures (JEPs): type 1a (type test and certificate of conformity), type 3 (type test, periodic evaluation of the product and production process) and type 5 (allocation of Saudi or SQM quality marking).

Once approved, this certification, valid for a period of one year, is materialized by a certificate of conformity of the product (PCoC).

The certification of the shipment consists in ensuring the conformity of the product with its certificate of conformity, as well as the quality of its packaging, labelling and transport. This step is essential for each shipment of regulated products to Saudi Arabia and results in the award of a certificate of conformity of the shipment (SCoC).

To simplify the certification process, SASO has developed SABER, a digital platform. This interface, intended for suppliers, facilitates the request and obtaining of the necessary certificates of conformity. By directly linking suppliers, conformity assessment bodies (CSOs) and Saudi authorities, SABER optimizes lead times, reduces costs and reduces the risks associated with exports to Saudi Arabia.

SALEEM certification plays a key role in maintaining the quality and safety of products imported into Saudi Arabia, through a set of standards, regulations and digital tools such as SABER. The following section will detail which products are eligible for SALEEM certification.

Which products are covered by the SALEEM certification ?

SALEEM certification is required for all products imported into Saudi Arabia that must comply with a technical regulation defined by SASO. These are referred to as regulated products.

Currently, more than 40 technical regulations have been established, covering a variety of sectors including household appliances, toys, cosmetics, building materials, vehicles, textiles and many others. All regulated products are listed on the SASO website.

These products are divided into three categories, according to their level of risk: low, medium and high. Each category is associated with a specific type of conformity assessment procedure (CAP) that specifies the criteria and documents necessary for the product to obtain certification.

The three categories and corresponding JEPs are :

Category 1 : low risk products

Products considered to be low risk are those that do not represent a major danger to health, safety or the environment. These are subject to a Type 1a CAP, including a type test and a certificate of conformity provided by a SASO accredited conformity assessment body (CAB).

Examples of low risk products: lubricating oils, detergents, paints, etc.

Category 2 : medium risk products

Medium risk products can potentially compromise health, safety or the environment. They require a Type 3 JEP, which includes a type test, periodic product testing, a constant assessment of the production process, and a certificate of conformity issued by a SASO-accredited CSB. Examples of medium risk products include electrical appliances, toys, cosmetics, elevators, etc.

Category 3 : high risk products

High-risk products are identified by a high level of danger to health, safety or the environment. Type 5 CAP, required for these products, involves type testing, periodic testing, regular evaluation of the manufacturing process, application of Saudi quality marking (SQM) on the product and a certificate of conformity issued by a CSEC approved by SASO. Examples include spare parts for vehicles, textiles, building materials, etc.

The SALEEM certification covers all products regulated by SASO, which are classified according to their level of risk into three distinct categories. Each category determines a specific conformity assessment procedure. The following section will explain the procedure for obtaining SALEEM certification.

How to obtain SALEEM certification ?

To obtain SALEEM certification, it is necessary to navigate through the SABER platform, which is the online system set up by the SASO for the management and allocation of compliance certificates. This platform helps you identify a SASO-accredited Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) that will perform the required tests and inspections on your products.

Certification includes two essential documents : the Certificate of Product Compliance (PCoC) and the Certificate of Shipment Compliance (SCoC).

PCoC certifies that your product complies with applicable standards and regulations. This document is valid for one year and must be renewed if product changes or regulatory changes occur. To obtain PCoC, follow these steps :

  • Record your product information on the SABER platform, indicating the appropriate Saudi customs code.
  • Choose a CAB to perform the conformity assessment procedure appropriate to the risk category of your product.
  • Pay the cost of this assessment.
  • Provide supporting documentation to the CSB, including test reports, certificates, statements, etc.
  • Receive PCoC online via SABER, once your product is confirmed by the CAB.

The SCoC validates your shipment’s compliance with PCoC and confirms proper packaging, labelling and transportation. This document is required for each importation of regulated products into Saudi Arabia and must be presented to customs on arrival.

To obtain the SCoC, follow these steps :

  • Submit a SCoC request for your shipment on SABER, mentioning the relevant PCoC numbers.
  • Select the CSB that issued the PCoC to complete the shipment verification.
  • Pay the fees associated with this check.
  • Provide the necessary documentation to the CSB, such as Commercial Invoice, Bill of Lading, Packing List, etc.
  • Get the SCoC online via SABER, following the compliance validation of your shipment by the CAB.

SALEEM certification is therefore carried out entirely online via the SABER platform, in cooperation with a CAB approved by the SASO. It requires two certificates: PCoC for your product and SCoC for your shipment. In the following, we will explore the benefits of acquiring SALEEM certification.

What are the advantages of obtaining SALEEM certification ?

Obtaining SALEEM certification offers suppliers who want to export their products to Saudi Arabia a multitude of benefits crucial to the success of their activities. Here is what she brings:

L’obtention de la certification SALEEM offre aux fournisseurs qui souhaitent exporter leurs produits vers l’Arabie saoudite une multitude d’avantages cruciaux pour le succès de leurs activités. Voici ce qu’elle apporte :

SALEEM certification ensures that your products comply with the standards and technical regulations established by the SASO, thus minimizing the risk of rejection, delay or fines at customs. It also ensures compliance with consumer, social and environmental protection laws.

Facilitate the export process

Using the SABER platform optimizes and simplifies the product certification and shipping process, giving you the option to select an SASO-accredited Conformity Assessment Body (CAB), as TÜV Rheinland, to carry out all the necessary tests and inspections.

Managing your application file and receiving compliance certificates is done online, saving you time, costs and peace of mind.

Build customer trust

SALEEM certification certifies the quality and safety of your products to Saudi consumers, improving your image and consolidating your reputation in the Saudi market.

The granting of the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) on your high-risk products is a tangible guarantee of compliance and reliability, allowing you to retain your customers while increasing your growth opportunities.

SALEEM certification proves to be a valuable resource to export to Saudi Arabia with confidence, allowing you to effectively navigate regulations, streamline the export process and consolidate the trust of your customers. We will see in the next section the bodies authorised to issue the SALEEM certification.

Which organisations offer SALEEM certification ?

To obtain SALEEM certification, it is essential to select a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) duly accredited by SASO. With a plethora of CAB offering SALEEM certification, these vary greatly in quality, reliability, cost and response time.

It is therefore crucial to carefully compare the offers and services of the different CSBs before making your decision. Some of the organizations offering SALEEM certification include:

AFNOR Certification

AFNOR Certification, an entity of the AFNOR group, is recognized worldwide thanks to its AFAQ and NF brands. It provides a wide range of services, including SALEEM certification.

Accredited in France and internationally, it operates through 27 sites on five continents and maintains 13 regional representations in France. Thanks to its network of 1,500 auditors, it meets the expectations of customers spread over more than 60,000 sites around the world.

LRQA France

A member of the Lloyd’s Register group, LRQA France specializes in certification, evaluation and training. It has offered SALEEM certification since 1994.

Present in France, Luxembourg, Monaco and other French-speaking regions (Maghreb, Eastern Europe...), LRQA has a global network ensuring a coherent and integrated service all over the world. Its team has more than 100 expert auditors.

Bureau Veritas

A subsidiary of the world leader Bureau Veritas, the branch has been issuing SALEEM certification since 1995. Endorsed by over 40 organizations nationally and internationally, it has 5,700 auditors in 80 countries.

With more than 80,000 globally certified customers, it has a network of 220 employees in France and 6,600 certified companies covering more than 14,000 sites. Its sales managers are present in Aix-en-Provence, Beauvais, Bordeaux, Lyon, Mulhouse, Nantes and Paris.

TÜV Rheinland

As part of the German TÜV Rheinland group, which specialises in certification, inspection, consultancy and training, TÜV Rheinland has been providing SALEEM certification since 2004.

Accredited by the SASO in 39 areas of expertise, it offers certifications in the fields of quality, occupational safety, the environment and medical devices. With more than 13,850 employees, it generates an annual turnover of 1.2 billion euros.

These entities are just a few examples among other providers of SALEEM certification. The complete list of SASO accredited CSBs is available on the SABER website. It is also advisable to ask for various quotes to compare and select the organization that best suits your needs and budget. The next section will detail the steps to obtain SALEEM certification.

What are the steps to obtain SALEEM certification ?

To obtain SALEEM certification, it is essential to follow a few decisive steps:

Step 1 : Registration on the SABER platform

The SABER platform, initiated by SASO, is essential for processing applications and issuing compliance certificates. Registration on SABER is necessary, whether you are an importer or importer representative, by providing specific information such as company name, tax identification number, business license number, contact name, email address, phone number and password. A confirmation email with an activation link will then be sent to activate your account.

Step 2 : Adding product information

Once registered on SABER, it is important to add the details of your product for export to Saudi Arabia. Indicate the Saudi customs tariff code of your product, thus determining the technical regulation to follow and an exhaustive description of the product, including the manufacturer and supplier information.

Step 3 : Selecting a conformity assessment body

After completing the product information, select a SASO-certified Conformity Assessment Body (CAB). This selection is made based on the expertise, location, costs and timelines offered by the CSB. The list of available CSBs is available on SABER. Once the CSB is selected, the costs of the conformity assessment procedure must be paid online.

Step 4 : Submitting supporting documents

With the CSB selected and the fees paid, it is necessary to provide the CSB with the documents proving the conformity of the product to the standards and regulations in force. This may include test reports, certificates, declarations, user manuals and labels. The CAB then verifies these documents and may request additional tests or inspections if required.

Step 5 : Receive the certificate of conformity of the product

Once your product meets regulatory standards, you will receive the Certificate of Product Compliance (PCoC) directly on the SABER platform. PCoC proves that your product complies with the relevant industry standards and technical regulations.

This certificate is valid for one year. It must be renewed each time your product undergoes changes or changes in regulatory requirements.

Step 6 : Send shipment certificate of conformity request

After obtaining the PCoC, you must submit an application for the Certificate of Conformity of Shipment (SCoC) on SABER for any shipment of regulated products to Saudi Arabia. It is essential to mention PCoC numbers related to your shipment and provide details such as the commercial invoice, bill of lading, and packing list. The choice of the CSB that will verify the shipment must be the same as the one that issued the PCoC.

Après avoir obtenu le PCoC, vous devez soumettre une demande de certificat de conformité d’expédition (SCoC) sur SABER pour tout envoi de produits réglementés vers l’Arabie saoudite. Il est essentiel de mentionner les numéros PCoC liés à votre envoi et de fournir des détails tels que la facture commerciale, le connaissement et la liste d’emballage. Le choix de la DGSM qui vérifiera l’envoi doit être le même que celui qui a délivré la BPC.

Step 7 : Receive the certificate of shipment compliance

If your shipment meets PCoC standards and is properly prepared for transport (packaging, labelling), the CAB will issue the Certificate of Shipment Conformity (SCoC) on SABER. The SCoC confirms your shipment’s compliance with the PCoC and its export authorization to Saudi Arabia. The SCoC is essential for the shipment of regulated products to Saudi Arabia and must be presented to customs on arrival.

By following these steps, you will be able to obtain SALEEM certification for your products and shipments to Saudi Arabia, allowing you to export with confidence and security to that country.

How much does the SALEEM certification cost ?

The price of the SALEEM certification varies according to various elements, such as the type and risk category of the product, the conformity assessment method used, the selected certification body, as well as the volume of shipments. Thus, a flat rate for certification is not established, but an estimate can be derived by taking these variables into account.

The cost of product certification (PCoC) depends significantly on the conformity assessment procedure (CAP) and the risk category associated with the product. To give you an idea, here is an estimate of prices by type of CSP by risk category :

  • JEP type 1a (low risk) : between 100 and 200 euros
  • Type 3 JEP (medium risk) : between 200 and 500 euros
  • Type 5 JEP (high risk) : between 500 and 1000 euros

Regarding the cost of shipping certification (SCoC), this varies depending on the number of products, weight, value and shipping volume. To give you an idea, here are some estimates of certification fees by container size :

  • 20 feet container : between 200 and 400 euros
  • 40 feet container : between 300 and 600 euros
  • 45 feet container : between 400 and 800 euros

The choice of Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) may also influence the total cost of SALEEM certification. It is recommended to make a detailed comparison of the services and rates offered by SASO-recognized CSBs, such as AFNOR Certification, LRQA France, Bureau Veritas, or TÜV Rheinland. Request quotes online or by phone with details of your product and shipping.

The cost of SALEEM certification varies according to several criteria, but can be roughly evaluated. It is essential to consider this expense as part of your export budget to Saudi Arabia. Remember that the SALEEM certification only provides assurance of compliance, but also strengthens confidence and ease of trade. The following section will detail the time required to obtain SALEEM certification.

How long does it take to obtain SALEEM certification ?

The time required to acquire SALEEM certification varies according to many parameters, including the type of product, the associated risk level, the method chosen for conformity assessment, the entity responsible for the assessment and the availability of the necessary supporting documents. Although there is no precisely defined period for SALEEM certification, it is conceivable to predict a time interval based on these criteria.

The estimated time to obtain the Certificate of Conformity (PCoC) differs depending on the Conformity Assessment Procedure (CAP) selected for your item, influenced by its risk category. The following are estimates of average CAP lead times, organized by type of product :

  • Type 1a JEPs (low risk products) : 2-5 business days
  • Type 3 JEPs (medium risk products) : 5-10 business days
  • Type 5 CEP (high risk products) : 10-15 business days

Regarding the certification of the shipment (SCoC), the time required may vary depending on the number of products, as well as their weight, value and total volume. Here is an indication of the average lead times depending on the size of the container :

  • 20 feet container : 1-2 business days
  • 40 feet container : 2-3 business days
  • 45 feet container : 3-4 business days

It is also important to note that the duration of obtaining SALEEM certification may vary depending on the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) you select. We suggest that you compare the deadlines and offers offered by the various CAB recognized by the SASO, including AFNOR Certification, LRQA France, Bureau Veritas and TÜV Rheinland.

It is possible to request quotes digitally or by phone, specifying the details of your product and shipping.

The time required to obtain SALEEM certification may vary, but an estimate can be determined based on various criteria. It is essential to integrate this variable into your export planning to Saudi Arabia, while being aware of the benefits of SALEEM certification in terms of compliance, simplicity and trust.

Do I need to renew the SALEEM certification ?

The SALEEM certification is valid for one year from the issue of the certificate of conformity of the product (PCoC). To continue exporting to Saudi Arabia, it is necessary to renew this certification annually. The renewal process is carried out on the SABER platform, following the initial certification procedures.

To start the renewal, log in to SABER and go to the "Renewal" section. A list of products to renew will appear. Select the relevant product and click "Renew".

You will be guided to the renewal form where you will need to fill in :

  • The Saudi customs tariff code of your product, identical to the original application.
  • The description of your product, without change from the initial request.
  • The information of the manufacturer and the supplier, identical to those provided initially.
  • The required supporting documents, similar to those of the original application, unless technical standards or regulations are changed.
  • The Conformity Assessment Body (CAB), the same as for the original application, unless change is desired.
  • Renewal fees, which vary by product, risk category, type of conformity assessment and selected CSB.

After submission, the CAB will review your product’s compliance with current standards and regulations, which may include additional testing or inspections. If compliant, a new PCoC will be issued by SABER, valid for one year.

The renewal of SALEEM certification is a fully online process via SABER, conducted in collaboration with a CAB accredited by SASO. It is imperative to renew annually by providing the same documents and information as for the initial certification, except regulatory changes.

SALEEM guarantees the conformity of your products and their access to the Saudi market.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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