Certification of conformity for Kenya

Exporting products to Kenya involves complying with a regulatory requirement: certification of conformity. This process is essential to ensure that imported products meet Kenya’s quality, safety and environmental standards. Failure to do so may result in the blocking of your products at customs or the imposition of penalties.

What is Compliance Certification for Kenya ?

Compliance certification for Kenya is a device designed to ensure that products imported into the country meet the quality, safety and environmental criteria set by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). The latter is a government agency dedicated to the regulation and promotion of product compliance in Kenya.

This goods certification system is part of the Verification of Conformity (PVoC), established in 2012, which aims to protect Kenya’s consumers, environment and economy. PVoC is a mandatory program for the majority of imported products, with the exception of some exempted products (the list of exempted products is available on the KEBS website).

As part of this program, certification is achieved by obtaining a Certificate of Conformity (CoC). This certificate proves that the products have been subjected to inspection, testing and evaluation by an entity accredited by the KEBS before being sent. The CoC is essential for the customs clearance process of goods in Kenya.

In the absence of the CoC, products may be refused, confiscated, or subject to sanctions.

Which products are covered by the certification of conformity for Kenya ?

Compliance certification for Kenya is required for all imported products except those specifically exempted by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). More than 2,000 Kenyan standards set the quality, safety and environmental standards for imported products.

These standards cover a variety of sectors, including :


Agri-food products must comply with standards for safety, composition, labelling, traceability and residue control. For example, standards for dairy products are defined by KS EAS 67:2013, which details the requirements for the physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of milk and dairy products.

Industrial products

Industrial products are subject to performance, durability, reliability, compatibility and safety standards. Household appliances, for example, must meet the criteria of KS 1515:2000, which establishes the general safety requirements for these appliances.

Chemical products

Chemicals are regulated according to standards of quality, purity, stability, biodegradability and safety. Pesticides, for example, must comply with KS 2295:2008, which sets quality and efficacy criteria for these products.

Textile products

Textile products must meet standards of quality, strength, comfort, colour, size and safety. Clothing must, for example, comply with KS 1569:2012, which specifies the quality and labelling requirements for these items.

To see the full list of Kenyan standards, visit the KEBS website or contact a Kenya Compliance Certification Body who can help you verify the compliance of your products.

How do I get compliance certification for Kenya ?

To obtain the necessary certification of conformity in Kenya, it is essential to contact a certification body recognized by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). The two main entities offering this service are SGS and Bureau Veritas.

Their support covers all stages of the certification process, detailed below :

1. Initiate the process by submitting an application for a Certificate of Conformity to the organization of your choice

You will need to provide information such as the list and description of the products to be exported, the contact details of the importer and exporter, as well as any existing compliance documents (certificates, test reports, etc.). Also indicate the date and location where the products will be available for inspection. A certificate application form (Request For Certificate - RFC), available on the certification body sites, must be completed.

2. Select the most appropriate certification route for your case

There are three options :

  • Route A, suitable for all types of products and exporters
  • Route B, for products already registered by the certification body
  • Route C, for products already licensed. Routes B and C, designed to simplify processes for regular importers and exporters, involve prior verification of product documentation and compliance systems

3. Document your products and, if necessary, test them

The certification body will ensure that your products meet Kenyan quality, safety and environmental standards. Samples may be taken for further testing in an accredited laboratory.

4. Have your products physically inspected before shipping

The certification body will verify their compliance with regulatory requirements, their correspondence with transaction documents, and their consistency with background checks. If possible, the organization will participate in the loading and seal the containers.

5. Receive your certificate of conformity once your products are approved

A certificate of conformity (CoC) will be issued, attesting to the verification and approval of your products. This document is required for customs clearance of your goods in Kenya. If your products are not compliant, they will need to be adjusted or returned to sender.

What are the benefits of obtaining compliance certification for Kenya ?

Compliance certification for Kenya offers multiple benefits to exporters and importers of products in that country. These benefits include :

Trade facilitation

Compliance certification for Kenya saves you delays, customs blockages and penalties by allowing simplified and expedited customs clearance. The certificate of conformity (CoC) proves that your products comply with Kenyan standards, thus ensuring fluidity in your export operations, whether you are an occasional or regular exporter.

Quality assurance

Obtaining this certification guarantees the quality, safety and environmental friendliness of your products. It shows that your products have been verified and approved by a certification body recognized by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), thus strengthening the trust of your customers and partners.

Compliance with regulatory requirements

Certification allows you to comply with Kenyan regulations, avoiding the risk of sanctions, fines or seizures. It plays an important role in protecting the health and safety of consumers and the environment in Kenya.

The support by experts

It also offers you the assistance of qualified professionals. Renowned certification bodies, such as SGS or Bureau Veritas, assist you every step of the way, allowing you to export your products to Kenya with confidence and compliance.

Which organizations offer conformity certification for Kenya ?

To secure a certification of conformity for Kenya, it is necessary to contact a certification body accredited by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). These organizations stand out for their expertise, reliability and commitment to exporters.

Learn more about these organizations below :


SGS control, analysis and certification, has been providing compliance certification services for Kenya since the introduction of the PVoC program in 2012. With an extensive network of offices and laboratories and a team of qualified experts, SGS provides comprehensive support, from initial application to obtaining the Certificate of Conformity (CoC). For any information, SGS can be reached by phone, e-mail or via their website.

Bureau Veritas

As a global leader in inspection, certification and laboratory testing services, Bureau Veritas has also been providing compliance certification services for Kenya since the renewal of the PVoC program in 2018. Bureau Veritas has an extensive network of offices and laboratories and abroad, supported by a team of competent experts. Bureau Veritas guides you every step of the way to obtaining CoC, accessible by phone, email or via their website.

Whether you choose SGS or Bureau Veritas, you will benefit from high-quality service, tailored support and KEBS-approved Kenya compliance certification.

What are the steps to obtain compliance certification for Kenya ?

To obtain compliance certification for Kenya, you must follow these steps :

1. Apply for a Certificate of Conformity

To get started, contact a certification body recognized by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), such as SGS or Bureau Veritas. Provide them with the necessary information and documents about your products, including the list, description, invoice, as well as any existing certificate or test report. You will also need to fill out a certificate application form (Request For Certificate - RFC), available on the websites of the certification bodies.

2. Choose the certification route

There are three certification routes: Route A, Route B and Route C.

  • Route A is open to all types of products and exporters.
  • Route B is suitable for products already registered by the certification body.
  • While Route C is for products that already have a license.

Routes B and C are recommended for importers and exporters accustomed to the Kenyan market as they simplify the process through prior verification of documents and product compliance systems.

3. Document and test your products if necessary

The certification body will examine whether your products meet Kenyan standards in terms of quality, safety and environment. Product samples may be taken for further testing in an accredited laboratory, if necessary.

4. Submit your products to physical inspection before shipment

Before shipping, your products will be physically inspected by the certification body to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and correspondence with the documents provided. If possible, the certification body will supervise the loading of the products and seal the containers.

5. Receive your certificate of conformity if your products comply

Once your products are inspected, tested and evaluated, the certification body will award you a certificate of conformity (CoC). This document certifies the conformity of your products and is essential for their customs clearance in Kenya. In the event that your products do not meet the standards, you will be required to comply with the requirements or return them to the sender.

How much does certification cost for Kenya ?

Compliance certification for Kenya varies in cost, depending on factors such as the type and value of the products, the certification route selected, as well as the number of tests and inspections required. The calculation of these fees is not consistent and is divided into two main categories: consular fees and service fees.

Consular fees are charged by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) to issue the Certificate of Conformity (CoC), amounting to $34.09 per shipment, regardless of the size or value of the products. These fees are to be paid by the importer or his agent upon arrival of the goods in Kenya.

Consular fees are charged by the Kenya Standards Office (KEBS) to issue the Certificate of Conformity (CoC), in the amount of $34.09 per shipment, regardless of the size or value of the products. This fee must be paid by the importer or his agent upon arrival of the goods in Kenya.

To obtain an accurate cost estimate, it is advisable to contact directly the certification body of your choice with all the details and documents related to your products.

The total amount for compliance certification for Kenya can vary significantly, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand euros, representing an essential investment to ensure the export of your products to Kenya legally and confidently.

How long does it take to get compliance certification for Kenya ?

The time required to obtain compliance certification for Kenya varies depending on various elements, including the type of product, the selected certification pathway, and the number of tests and inspections required. Rather than a specific time frame, it is an estimate influenced by these different factors.

This period is divided into two main phases: processing and delivery.

The processing time represents the time required by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) accredited certification body, such as SGS or Bureau Veritas, to perform the necessary document checks, tests and inspections. This process typically takes 5-10 business days, depending on the complexity of the file and the availability of the products to be reviewed.

This time can be reduced by opting for route B or C, alternatives designed to simplify the process for regular importers and exporters to Kenya.

The delivery time is the time it takes to send you the certificate of conformity (CoC), whether by email or traditional mail. This period is usually 1 to 3 working days, depending on the delivery method chosen.

Opting for electronic delivery can speed up this process, in addition to being a more environmentally friendly option.

Thus, the total time to obtain the conformity certification for Kenya can vary from 6 to 13 working days. It is advisable to submit your certificate request at least 7 days before your trip to Kenya, thus ensuring the timely receipt of your CoC and avoiding delays, blockages or customs penalties.

Do I need to renew the Kenya Compliance Certification ?

Every export to Kenya requires a new certificate of conformity (CoC), even for identical products or with the same importer. It is therefore essential to renew your conformity certification for each shipment.

Chaque exportation vers le Kenya nécessite un nouveau certificat de conformité (CoC), même pour des produits identiques ou avec le même importateur. Il est donc essentiel de renouveler votre certification de conformité pour chaque envoi.

Option B is for products already registered. It provides for an initial verification of compliance documents (certificates, test reports, etc.). Once registered, these documents will no longer be required for each certificate, limiting themselves to a physical pre-shipment inspection to obtain the CoC.

Option C is for licensed products and focuses on compliance of production systems (factory audits, quality controls, etc.). After the license, no document submission or inspection is required for each certificate. A shipping declaration is enough to receive the CoC.

Options B and C offer time and cost savings, while simplifying the renewal of your Kenya compliance certification. Contact the certification body of your choice to verify the eligibility of your products for these options and for their implementation.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


See Also

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