Certification of conformity EasyPASS for Ghana

Exporting goods to Ghana requires an understanding of the EasyPASS conformity assessment program. This program is designed to ensure the quality, safety and environmental friendliness of products imported into the country.

What is Ghana Compliance Certification ?

Ghana’s conformity certification is an essential device for products imported into the country, involving an assessment by certified bodies like Intertek or Bureau Veritas. This assessment ensures that imported products comply with Ghana’s quality, safety and environmental standards or relevant international standards.

This device is called EasyPASS and was initiated by the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA).

The certification of conformity  is required for a wide range of products, including toys, sports equipment, electrical and electronic products, certain chemicals, mechanical and gas appliances, wood products, paper, cardboard, furniture, building materials, fuels, textiles, leather and glass products, as well as second-hand products. Exporters of products outside these categories may also apply for certification on a voluntary basis.

Obtaining a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) from the approved body, following prior inspections and tests, is required for customs clearance of goods in Ghana. Shipments without this certificate risk delays, penalties or even the return of products.

Which products are affected by Ghana’s EasyPASS compliance certification ?

Ghana’s conformity certification is required for imported products belonging to specific categories, defined by the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA). These products must meet Ghanaian standards or equivalent international standards in terms of quality, safety and respect for the environment. We detail here the products concerned by this certification as well as the specific requirements for some of them.

Products subject to the EasyPASS program

The EasyPASS program, developed by the GSA in partnership with certified organizations like Bureau Veritas, aims to simplify and speed up the clearance of goods in Ghana by checking their compliance from the country of export and issuing a certificate of conformity (CoC) to exporters.

The product categories covered by the EasyPASS program include :

  • Toys, games and sports equipment
  • Electrical and electronic products
  • Chemicals products (except domestic chemicals)
  • Mechanical and gas appliances
  • Wood pulp, paper and cardboard
  • Furniture (wood or metal)
  • Building materials
  • Fuels and petroleum products
  • Textiles, textile articles and leather, including African printed matter
  • Glass and glass products
  • Second-hand products

Exporters of products outside these categories may apply for Ghana’s certification of conformity on a voluntary basis.

Products subject to specific requirements

Some products imported into Ghana must meet specific requirements in addition to certification of conformity. These requirements may include labelling, packaging, traceability, and various certifications (health, organic, halal, etc.). Examples of products with specific requirements :

  • Food products : must meet Ghanaian standards for hygiene, safety, composition, quality and durability. A health certificate from the country of origin is required. Organic food products must be certified by an organization recognized by the GSA. Halal food products must be certified by an organization recognized by the GSA or the Supreme Islamic Council of Ghana.
  • EU products : to benefit from the preferential tariffs of the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Ghana (entered into force on 15 December 2023), they must be accompanied by a certificate of origin complying with the rules of Ghanaian law or for shipments of less than 6,000 euros.
  • Telecommunications equipment : must comply with the technical standards and licensing requirements of the National Communications Authority (NCA) of Ghana and be accompanied by a certificate of approval issued by the NCA or an accredited body.

This list is not exhaustive. Exporters are advised to consult the GSA or the approved body of their choice for specific product requirements prior to shipping to Ghana.

How do I get compliance certification for Ghana ?

To obtain compliance certification for Ghana, it is necessary to use a body certified by the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA), such as Bureau Veritas or Intertek. These bodies assess whether your products comply with the applicable Ghanaian or international standards. This is done through testing and inspections in the country of export. Once this step is validated, they will issue you a certificate of conformity (CoC), proof that your products meet the EasyPASS program.

CoC is essential for customs clearance of your products in Ghana.

To be successful, follow these steps :

  1. Initiate your application for certification of conformity with the approved body of your choice by providing the necessary information and documents regarding your shipment, such as the pro forma invoice, packing list and quality certificates.
  1. The chosen organization will review your application and indicate the tests and inspections to be carried out on your products, as well as the associated costs.
  1. Send your product samples to the organization for the tests required in their accredited laboratories and authorize the inspection of your goods before shipment.
  1. If your products are compliant, the organization will issue you a CoC within 48 hours of the conclusion of the tests and inspections. This certificate must accompany your products during shipment and be presented to the customs authorities of Ghana.
  1. In the event that your products do not meet the standards, the organization will inform you of non-conformities and propose solutions to remedy them. You will have to correct the problems and submit your products to a new evaluation. Without the CoC, you cannot export your products.

Compliance certification ensures compliance with GSA requirements and facilitates the clearance of your goods in Ghana, thus avoiding delays, penalties or refusals by the Ghanaian authorities.

What are the benefits of obtaining compliance certification for Ghana ?

Compliance certification for Ghana offers multiple benefits to exporters targeting the Ghanaian market. This certification is a key to :

Facilitate and expedite customs clearance of goods

The Certificate of Conformity (CoC) demonstrates to Ghanaian customs authorities that your products meet Ghana’s quality, safety and environmental standards or internationally recognized standards. This document avoids unannounced inspections, delays, fines, or refusal of your products upon entry into Ghana, saving you time and money by simplifying customs clearance procedures.

Guarantee product quality and safety

Certification ensures that your products comply with the requirements of the EasyPASS program, initiated by the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA). You benefit from quality and security control by a recognized entity, such as Bureau Veritas or Intertek, which has certified laboratories and competent specialists.

This helps protect the health and safety of Ghanaian consumers, while preserving the environment.

Build trust and credibility with customers

Compliance certification demonstrates to your potential customers your commitment to Ghanaian standards and regulations, providing a guarantee of quality and reliability of your products.

It enhances your brand image and reputation in the Ghanaian market, giving you a competitive advantage over uncertified exporters.

Which organizations offer conformity certification for Ghana ?

To obtain compliance certification for Ghana, it is essential to go through a body recognized by the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA). Their role is to ensure that your products meet Ghanaian or equivalent international standards by conducting tests and inspections in the country of export. After verification, they issue a certificate of conformity (CoC) proving that your products comply with the requirements of the EasyPASS program.

GSA, Ghana Standards Authority

GSA, the national authority for metrology, standardization, testing, inspection and certification in Ghana, is the initiator of the EasyPASS program in partnership with accredited organizations such as Bureau Veritas or Intertek. He plays a central role in the development and publication of Ghanaian and international standards for products imported into Ghana.

Its services include standardization, metrology, testing, quality assurance, product and system certification, factory inspection, import and export certification, and destination inspection.

Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas, accredited by the GSA, verifies the conformity of goods exported to Ghana through its global network of laboratories and experts. It offers various services including testing, inspections, audits, certifications, training and advice in the fields of quality, health, safety, environment and social responsibility.

It issues the CoC for products under the EasyPASS program and also offers specific certifications such as halal, organic, ISO certification, among others.


Intertek, also approved by the GSA, offers conformity verification of goods exported to Ghana through its global network. Its services include testing, inspections, audits, certifications, training and consultancy in various sectors.

It issues the CoC for products subject to the EasyPASS program and offers other specific certifications such as sanitary, organic, ISO certification, among others.

Other agencies

Other bodies, such as SGS, Cotecna, TÜV Rheinland, also offer conformity certification for Ghana. You can find the complete list of GSA accredited organizations on their website or the website of the organization of your choice.

It is advisable to compare the services, rates and deadlines offered by these organizations to choose the most suitable for your needs.

What are the steps to obtain compliance certification for Ghana ?

To secure a certification of conformity for Ghana, a methodical process is required, ranging from the initial submission to the acquisition of the certificate of conformity (CoC). Although this process may vary slightly depending on the certification body selected, it usually consists of several key steps:

Step 1 : Submit a certification request

The first step is to choose an accredited body, such as Bureau Veritas or Intertek and submit a complete application for conformity certification for Ghana. This request must include relevant information and documents regarding your shipment, such as pro forma invoice, packing list and quality certificates. It is also essential to indicate the Ghanaian or international standards that your products must meet.

Step 2 : Receive a quote and pay the fees

After evaluating your request, the authorized body will provide you with a quote detailing the necessary tests and inspections for your products, as well as the corresponding fees. You will then have to accept this quote and make the payment according to the conditions set by the organization.

Step 3 : Send samples and authorize inspections

The next step involves sending samples of your products to the approved body for laboratory testing. You must also allow this organization to inspect your goods prior to shipment, either at your facilities or at the port of embarkation.

Step 4 : Receive Certificate of Compliance or Non-Compliance Reports

If your products meet the established standards, you will usually receive a CoC within 48 hours after the completion of the tests and inspections. This certificate must be attached to your shipment and presented to the Ghanaian customs authorities. In case of non-compliance, the approved body will send you reports detailing the defects identified and the necessary adjustments.

You will need to correct these defects and re-evaluate your products before they can be exported. Obtaining CoC is essential for export to Ghana.

How much does compliance certification cost for Ghana ?

The price of conformity certification for Ghana varies according to various elements, including the type of product, the value of the shipment, the number of tests and inspections required, and the selected certification body. There is no flat rate for this certification, but you can get an estimate by contacting an authorized organization, such as Bureau Veritas or Intertek, with the details and documents of your shipment.

After receiving this information, the organization will provide you with a quote detailing the costs associated with obtaining the certificate of conformity (CoC).

Typically, the cost of this certification is divided into two main categories :

  • Test Fee : This fee covers testing performed on product samples by laboratories of the certification body. They vary depending on the type of product, the number of tests to be performed and the standards to be met.
  • Inspection fees : These fees are related to the visual examination of the goods, carried out either in the manufacturing plant or at the port of embarkation. The amount varies according to the volume, weight, value and destination of the goods.

In addition to these items, the cost may also include additional fees such as sample transportation, administrative fees and certification fees. It is advisable to discuss in detail with the chosen certification body to understand all the costs involved before committing.

Payment of the certification of conformity for Ghana is generally the responsibility of the exporter, unless otherwise agreed with the importer. It is important to note that the cost of this certification is generally lower than the fees associated with delays, penalties or rejections of goods that may result from non-compliance with Ghanaian or corresponding international standards.

How long does it take to get compliance certification for Ghana ?

The length of time it takes to obtain compliance certification for Ghana varies depending on various factors, including the type of product, the number of tests and inspections required, and the certification body chosen. Since there is no standard time frame, the most accurate estimate can be obtained by contacting directly the certification body of your choice, such as Bureau Veritas or Intertek, with all the details and documents regarding your shipment.

This body will then provide you with an estimate of the time required to issue the certificate of conformity (CoC).

Typically, the process to acquire compliance certification for Ghana consists of two main steps :

  • Test Time : This step concerns the time required to perform product sample analyses in accredited laboratories. The duration varies according to the type of product, the number of tests to be performed and the standards to be applied. It can range from a few days to several weeks.
  • Inspection time : This step consists of visual verification of the goods, either at the manufacturer’s factory or at the port of embarkation. The duration varies according to the volume, weight, value and destination of the goods. It can take from a few hours to a few days.

It is important to note that the process may also include additional delays related to sample transportation, administrative procedures and certification itself. Exporters are therefore advised to discuss in detail with the chosen certification body to have a full understanding of the time required to obtain compliance certification for Ghana before planning their shipment.

It is interesting to note that the time to obtain the conformity certification for Ghana is generally shorter than that required to obtain the Consuel certificate, that is required in France for any new construction or renovation and that can take from a few days to several weeks after the submission of documents.

Do I need to renew the Ghana Compliance Certification ?

Compliance certification for Ghana is required for each shipment of goods and cannot be transferred or reused for future shipments.

This certification must be renewed for each export of EasyPASS products to Ghana, as it does not cover post-arrival modifications or repairs. Renewal requires following the same process as the original application, using a body accredited by the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA), such as Bureau Veritas or Intertek, to submit a new application.

Renewing your certification guarantees compliance with Ghanaian standards and regulations, which may change. This allows you to remain compliant with market requirements, maintain product quality and safety, and avoid risks of non-compliance such as delays, penalties or rejection of goods.

The renewal process is generally faster and cheaper than the initial certification, thanks to the experience gained and the trust established with the approved body. Discounts or payment facilities may be available depending on the organization’s conditions.

Exporters are strongly advised to renew the conformity certification for each shipment of goods to Ghana.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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