Essential quality control and compliance services for your business

Are you looking for a way to ensure your products meet the highest standards and can be shipped safely to any country in the world ? Look no further than YVEA !

We work with a network of trusted partners to offer you the best possible prices and services, so you can focus on what matters most: growing your business.

But what does quality control and compliance control mean?

Quality control

Quality control is of great importance in the logistics and supply chain sector because it ensures that the products meet the standards and specifications defined by the manufacturers, which guarantees their reliability and performance throughout their logistics journey.

The compliance check

The compliance check verifies the conformity of the products with the regulations and standards in force, guaranteeing that they respect the standards of safety, quality and legality (through certifications). This minimizes the risks associated with non-compliant products and ensures their suitability for safe marketing and use.

What are the costs associated with product quality controls?

The costs of quality controls vary greatly, influenced by elements such as the type of product, the nature of the control, the quality requirements, the frequency and location of inspections, among others. According to the ASQ, these costs can represent 15 to 20% of a company’s total income, and even go up to 40% in some cases. For the most efficient companies, the cost of poor quality (CoPQ) is estimated at between 10 and 15% of turnover.
In order to minimize these costs, choosing the right quality control strategy is crucial, taking into account cost versus profit, return on investment (ROI) and customer satisfaction. It is in this context that Yvea stands out as an advantageous solution, providing quality control at a reduced cost thanks to a network of competent and certified partners.

In order to minimize these costs, choosing the right quality control strategy is crucial, taking into account cost versus profit, return on investment (ROI) and customer satisfaction. It is in this context that Yvea stands out as an advantageous solution, providing quality control at a reduced cost thanks to a network of competent and certified partners.

Negotiated prices

By working with Yvea, you benefit from reduced rates, thanks to agreements negotiated with independent and specialized third-party quality control bodies. This allows you to save between 5 and 10% on the cost of controls compared to the usual market rates (depending on the offer you have subscribed with us).

A centralisation of partners

With Yvea, easily access a wide selection of partners covering all types of products and controls, complying with various standards and regulations. This helps you to identify the ideal partner according to your specific criteria of quality, deadlines, budget, location, etc. You also have the opportunity to compare offers and reviews to choose the best partner for your needs.

A simplification of procedures

Yvea simplifies your quality control processes, supporting you with our platform, from the request for a quote to the receipt of the inspection report. Manage your orders, monitor the progress of inspections, communicate with partners, access your documents, all via a single platform. This simplification saves time, money and peace of mind.

What are the quality control and compliance steps before you export your goods?

To export your products to countries that require quality control and conformity assessment, a specific process must be followed. This process allows you to obtain a certificate of conformity (COC), proving that your goods meet the standards and regulations required by the country of destination. Learn about the key steps in this process :

The initial check

First check the eligibility of your products for quality control and conformity assessment according to the country of destination. Consult the list of countries requiring these procedures by contacting one of our partners.


Preparing for the assessment

Gather all necessary supporting documents, such as datasheets, test reports, and quality certificates. Then select an accredited organization such as Qima, one of our partners, to perform the monitoring and evaluation.


The evaluation

Your product will undergo quality control and conformity assessment by the accredited body. Depending on the nature of the product and the target country, this control may be physical or documentary and include laboratory tests, performance tests, and pre-shipment inspections. The aim is to ensure that the product meets the standards and requirements of the recipient country, particularly in terms of quality, safety and performance.


The certification

Once approved, you will receive a Certificate of Compliance (COC) from the accredited body. This essential document proves that your products are compliant and allows their customs clearance and marketing on arrival. This certificate must be attached to your shipping documents.


The surveillance

This phase is crucial for maintaining the quality and compliance of your products after shipment. It allows continuous control across the supply chain. By partnering with an accredited organization (through one of our partners), you access a variety of adapted services. These services include control of loading and unloading operations, inventory management and packaging inspection. The goal is to prevent problems such as deterioration, fraud and loss, thus ensuring the integrity of your products until their final destination.


By following these steps carefully, you strengthen your preparation and ability to succeed in exporting to foreign markets, while taking into account specific certification requirements.

Trouvez le service de contrôle qualité ou de conformité qu'il vous faut avec YVEA

Chez YVEA, nous assurons le contrôle qualité et la conformité de vos produits. De l'alimentaire au pharmaceutique, en passant par les électroniques et cosmétiques, nos inspections, tests en laboratoire et examens d'échantillons garantissent une qualité optimale. Nous proposons des audits éthiques, environnementaux, sanitaires et industriels pour répondre aux normes strictes. Notre accompagnement inclut également des formations en contrôle qualité et des bonnes pratiques d'hygiène et de fabrication. Faites confiance à YVEA pour sécuriser votre chaîne logistique et obtenir les certifications nécessaires à vos activités.

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