IANOR, the Algerian Institute of Standardization

Have you ever heard of IANOR, the Algerian Institute for Standardization? Do you really know what it is? IANOR is the official body in Algeria responsible for the creation, publication and dissemination of national standards. It also offers training, consulting, auditing and certification services. As a key player in Algeria’s economic, social and environmental progress, IANOR plays a role in improving the quality, safety and competitiveness of products and services. It also facilitates trade.

What is the IANOR ?

IANOR, or Algerian Institute of Standardization, is an industrial and commercial public institution (EPIC) founded on February 21, 1998, following Executive Decree 98-69. This creation is part of a broader restructuring including INAPI (Algerian Institute of Standardization and Industrial Property). Under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Mines, IANOR represents Algeria within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

As a national standards body, IANOR’s main objectives are to :

  • Coordinate development of national standards with different sectors
  • Identify standardization needs at national level
  • Implement the national standardization plan
  • Disseminate information on standardization and related activities
  • Manage the national information point on technical barriers to trade for the World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • Administer the conformity mark to Algerian standards

In addition, IANOR offers a range of services including training, consulting, auditing and certification for economic operators, public bodies and consumers. These services cover the areas of standardization, regulation and certification. The organisation has an information centre, various technical committees and a testing and calibration laboratory. IANOR is currently led by the Director General, Mr. Abou Hamou Moussa.

Why did you create IANOR ?

The Algerian Institute of Standardization (IANOR) was founded to promote standardization through conformity certifications for Algeria and strengthen its presence in international standardization organizations. Standardization involves the creation of standards, defined by consensus between all stakeholders (manufacturers, consumers, experts, public authorities, etc.), which specify the characteristics, performance, criteria or methods concerning a product, service, process or system. These standards, although voluntary, may be made mandatory by legislation.

Adopting standards offers multiple benefits for both the business community and society as a whole, by allowing :

  • Improve the quality, safety, reliability and durability of products and services
  • Facilitate trade by removing technical barriers and boosting competitiveness
  • Protect consumers, employees and the environment by ensuring compliance with basic standards
  • Foster innovation through the adoption of best practices and the latest technologies
  • Support sustainable development taking into account economic, social and environmental aspects

IANOR was established to meet Algeria’s specific standardization needs, while supporting the country’s economic, social and environmental development. Its objective is to make Algerian standards compatible with international standards, in particular those of ISO and IEC, to facilitate Algeria’s integration into the global economy.

IANOR contributes to standardization efforts at the regional and Islamic level, thus strengthening cooperation and solidarity among nations.

What are the existing IANOR standards and are they mandatory ?

The Algerian Institute for Standardization (IANOR) offers an extensive catalogue of more than 11,000 Algerian standards. These standards, developed by 72 national technical committees, cover a multitude of sectors such as agri-food, construction, energy, environment, health and safety, among others. They are regularly updated and available for sale via the IANOR standards sales service.

There are two categories of IANOR standards: voluntary standards, freely adopted by companies to meet quality, market or customer requirements; and mandatory standards, imposed by legislation to protect public interests such as health, safety or the environment. The latter define the minimum criteria to be met by products, goods or services.

IANOR standards fall into three categories according to their origin and scope :

The Algerian standards (NA)

Developed by IANOR and stakeholders to meet the country’s standardization needs, these standards are often based on international, regional or Islamic standards, adapted to the Algerian context. They are identified by the prefix NA, followed by a numerical code and a publication date. Example: NA 17001-1:2019, Quality Management Systems - Requirements.

Adopted international standards (NA ISO, NA IEC, etc.)

These standards are those developed by international standards bodies such as ISO or IEC and adopted by IANOR without modification. They have the prefix NA, followed by the acronym of the organization, the numerical code and the date of publication of the original standard. Example: NA ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management Systems - Requirements.

Adopted foreign standards (NA NF, NA DIN, etc.)

These standards come from foreign standards bodies such as AFNOR or DIN and are adopted without modification by IANOR as Algerian standards. They are identified by the prefix NA, followed by the acronym of the foreign organization, the numerical code and the date of publication. Example: NA NF EN 206-1:2014, Concrete - Specification, performance, production and compliance.

Which products need to be certified by an IANOR standard ?

IANOR offers companies the opportunity to certify their products according to its standards, thus ensuring their compliance with technical and regulatory criteria and highlighting their quality on the market. Certification is carried out via the TEDJ mark, a national quality label for voluntary certification, issued by IANOR.

This label, once affixed to a product, certifies that it meets the applicable Algerian standards.

EASD certification applies to a variety of products, including :

Industrial products

Concerning the products manufactured in various Algerian industrial sectors such as construction, energy, household appliances, metallurgy, plastics, etc. Among the examples of TEDJ certified industrial products are HDPE tubes for drinking water, cement, taps and manhole plugs.

Agri-food products

These are products of agriculture, livestock, fishing or food processing, intended for human or animal consumption. Examples of TEDJ-certified agri-food products include vegetable oils, dates, canned tomatoes, cheeses, and meats.

Halal products

These products meet the standards of the Islamic Sharia in terms of legality, purity, safety, and traceability. Meat, dairy, seafood, and bakery products are examples of TEDJ-certified halal products.

Obtaining TEDJ certification involves laboratory testing, evaluation of the manufacturer’s quality system, and regular monitoring to ensure product compliance. The TEDJ certification is issued for three years and can be renewed, provided that the product-specific requirements are always met.

Which IANOR certification program to choose ? Are there several ?

IANOR offers economic operators various certification programs adapted to a wide range of products, services or management systems. These programs are based on Algerian, international or foreign standards, thus meeting the specific requirements of each sector of activity. Key certification programs offered by IANOR include :

TEDJ certification of products

The TEDJ certification program achieves the TEDJ brand, a national quality label, for industrial, agri-food and halal products. To be certified, these products must comply with the Algerian standards in force in their category. The TEDJ certification requires laboratory testing, evaluation of the manufacturer’s quality system and continuous verification of product compliance. This certification is granted for three years and can be renewed, provided that the products continue to meet the established criteria.

Management system certification

This program aims to certify management systems according to the relevant Algerian or international standards, thus issuing a certificate of conformity. It covers quality management systems (NA ISO 9001), environment (NA ISO 14001) and occupational health and safety (NA ISO 45001). The process includes an initial audit, annual follow-up audits and a renewal audit every three years. The validity of this certification is three years, with the possibility of renewal, subject to continuing to comply with the relevant standards.

The certification of services

The certification of services according to an IANOR standard grants the welcome label, guaranteeing a nationally recognized quality of service. It is intended for reception, reception, information and complaint handling services, which must adhere to specific Algerian standards. The certification process includes an assessment of service, staff and customer satisfaction. The certification is valid for one year and may be renewed, provided that the services maintain compliance with regulatory requirements.

To determine the IANOR certification program that best suits your business, we invite you to consult the catalogue of certifications available on the IANOR website or to contact their certification department directly for a personalized orientation.

What are the essential criteria to obtain one of the IANOR standards ?

To obtain an IANOR standard, applied to a product, service or management system, it is imperative to comply with the criteria specified by the associated normative framework and to request IANOR for the verification and certification of this compliance. The criteria for obtaining an IANOR standard are:

Comply with the requirements of the normative framework

The normative reference, which can be an Algerian standard, an international or foreign standard adopted, or a specific regulation developed by IANOR, is the document detailing the requirements to be fulfilled by the product, service or management system to be compliant. This document sets out the characteristics, performance, methods, procedures, criteria or indicators required. The adequacy of the standards is checked by IANOR or by accredited entities via tests, audits, inspections or evaluations.

Demonstrate control of the production or production process

Control of the production or production process demonstrates the ability to guarantee the quality, safety, reliability and traceability of the product or service throughout its life cycle. This requires the implementation of a quality management system, compliant with NA ISO 9001, or a specific system adapted to the industry. This control is evaluated by IANOR or accredited bodies, through audits and inspections.

Provide evidence of product or service compliance

Evidence of conformity, such as test reports, certificates of conformity, declarations of conformity, marks or quality labels, attests that the product or service complies with the requirements of the standard and has been certified by IANOR or an accredited body. These documents, kept by the manufacturer or supplier, must be accessible to customers, authorities or interested parties on request.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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