Cybersecurity Certification : For reliable digital protection

Cybersecurity is essential for companies using computer systems. In the face of cyber-attack threats, strengthening digital security becomes crucial. Cybersecurity certifications attest to the expertise of professionals and ensure the protection of your information systems.

What is a Cybersecurity Certification ?

A cybersecurity certification is an official document proving that its holder has acquired the essential knowledge and skills to protect his company’s information systems. Many organizations offer cybersecurity certifications, each imposing its own criteria, areas of application and benefits. These compliance certifications are often aligned with international standards such as ISO or ISACA, establishing best practices and foundations in cybersecurity.

To obtain a cybersecurity certification, it is generally required to pass an exam, which can be theoretical, practical, or a combination of both. This exam measures the candidate’s proficiency in various areas, including risk management, governance, compliance, system architectures, technologies, operations and incident management, audits and more. Some certificates also require specific professional experience in cybersecurity or participation in dedicated training.

Cybersecurity certifications have temporary validity, depending on the issuer. To maintain certification, the holder must adhere to a code of ethics, participate in continuing education and pass regular renewal exams.

What are the different types of Cybersecurity certifications ?

Cybersecurity is an area that requires specialized skills and knowledge. There are a variety of globally recognized certifications, each targeting specific skills and distinct levels of expertise. Here are four of the most highly regarded certifications in the industry :

CEH Certification (Certified Ethical Hacker)

Proposed by the EC-Council, the CEH certification recognizes the ability to adopt the perspective of a malicious hacker, using its tools and techniques to assess the security of information systems. It is an ideal certification for those new to the field of penetration testing, wishing to gain a fundamental understanding of cybersecurity. It includes 20 modules that cover various topics, from identification to malware analysis.

OSCP Certification (Offensive Security Certified Professional)

The OSCP, offered by Offensive Security, certifies that the holder masters the techniques required to conduct effective penetration tests. More technical and advanced than CEH certification, OSCP requires practical skills demonstrated by successful attacks against virtual machines in a controlled environment. This certification is based on the use of Kali Linux distribution tools and methodologies, providing a thorough system security assessment.

CISM Certification (Certified Information Security Manager)

Issued by ISACA, the CISM certification validates expertise in the strategic and operational management of information security. It is intended for executives and managers responsible for designing, implementing, and overseeing security policies within their organization. A certification is based on international standards such as those of ISO or ISACA, which dictate best practices in information security.

CISSP Certification (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)

Considered one of the most prestigious certifications in information security, the CISSP is awarded by the ISC2. It confirms the ability to design, implement and manage a comprehensive security strategy within an organization. Targeting seasoned information security professionals, CISSP addresses eight key areas, from risk management to software security.

What are the criteria to obtain a certification in Cybersecurity ?

If you are aiming for cybersecurity certification, be aware that the requirements vary depending on the chosen certification, the issuer and the level of expertise required. However, several common criteria are often requested :

  • Specific Work Experience : The majority of cybersecurity certifications require substantial work experience in the IT security industry. For example, for CISSP certification, a minimum of five years of experience in two of the eight safety areas covered by the program is required. This experience must be validated by a third party, such as an employer or a colleague.
  • Passing an exam : Passing and passing a specific exam is a key step. This exam tests your knowledge and skills in the areas covered by the certification. The format of the exam may vary (multiple-choice questions, simulations, etc.), and may be conducted online or at an accredited centre. A minimum score is often required to succeed. For example, for CEH certification, 125 questions must be answered correctly in four hours, reaching at least 70% correct answers.
  • Dedicated training : Some certifications require you to take and pass an official or recommended training before attempting the exam. This training is usually offered by the certification body or one of its accredited partners, which can take the form of online courses, face-to-face, or even through resources such as books or videos. It is used to prepare you for the exam and to master key concepts. For example, OSCP certification requires Penetration Testing with Kali Linux training, which can last from 30 to 90 days depending on preference.
  • Adherence to a Code of Ethics : Certified cybersecurity professionals are required to adhere to a code of ethics that defines ethical and conduct standards in the field. This code aims to encourage professional ethics, responsibility and quality of service. Applicants must commit to following these principles from registration and throughout their careers. Failure to comply with these standards may result in sanctions, such as suspension or cancellation of certification. For example, the ISC2 Code requires certificants to serve the public interest, obey the law, act with honesty and integrity, and maintain a high level of competence.

What are the benefits of a cybersecurity certification for companies?

Obtaining a cybersecurity certification offers companies valuable benefits to increase their digital security and competitiveness in the market. Some of these benefits include :

  • Reducing the risk of cyber attacks : By complying with established standards and applying IT security best practices through cybersecurity certification, companies attest to having experts capable of effectively securing their information systems. This significantly reduces the risk of cyber threats, which can result in significant financial loss, reputational damage, litigation, or damage to critical infrastructure.
  • Partner Confidence Building : Acquiring cybersecurity certification increases the confidence of various partners, including suppliers, customers and investors. It demonstrates the company’s commitment to secure information and its ability to protect sensitive data while meeting regulatory obligations.
  • Gain a competitive advantage : With a Cybersecurity certification, companies stand out from their competitors, which may not be as secure. This opens doors to new markets, attracts new customers, strengthens the loyalty of their current customers and improves their brand image. In addition, this can result in cost savings, reductions in insurance premiums or access to financial support related to cybersecurity.

A cybersecurity certification is a huge asset for companies looking to secure their operations and thrive in the digital economy.

Which countries recognize Cybersecurity certifications ?

A cybersecurity certification is considered an indicator of quality and expertise, appreciated across various countries. This overall recognition varies depending on the type of certification, the issuing entity and existing international agreements. Below is a list of countries that value cybersecurity qualifications :


Many cybersecurity certifications are recognized, including those from ISC2, ISACA, EC-Council, CompTIA, and GIAC. The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security provides a detailed guide to key certifications and the organizations offering them. In addition, Canada has introduced a legislative framework for cybersecurity certifications, setting standards for securing digital products and services.

European Union

The EU echoes this recognition with the acceptance of numerous certifications, especially those based on common criteria, a set of international standards for the security assessment of computer products and systems. The Union has also adopted a framework for the unification of cybersecurity certification standards, aimed at facilitating harmonisation through its single digital market.

The United States

The US also recognizes a series of cybersecurity certifications from organizations such as ISC2, ISACA, EC-Council, CompTIA, and GIAC. The country has implemented a specific program for information security certifications, aligned with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines, targeting federal government information systems.

Acquiring a cybersecurity certification is therefore an added value for professionals wishing to work internationally, or for companies wishing to export their secure digital products or services.

Who can issue a cybersecurity certification ?

A cybersecurity certification officially validates the skills and knowledge needed to protect information systems. Various bodies offer these certifications, each with its specific criteria, areas of application and benefits. These include professional associations, research institutes, government agencies, and private companies. Notable examples include :

ISC2 (International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium)

An international association of more than 150,000 professionals, ISC2 offers various certifications, including the famous CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), which covers eight areas of information security, and others such as SSCP, the PSAB, and the CSSLP.

ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association)

Bringing together more than 200,000 specialists in information systems governance and security, ISACA offers certifications such as CISM (Certified Information Security Manager), CISA, CRISC, and CGEIT.

EC-Council (International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants)

Specialized in cybersecurity training, the EC-Council offers recognized certifications such as CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker), to test the security of computer systems, and others such as ECSA, CHFI, and LPT.

ANSSI (National Information Systems Security Agency)

French Information Security Authority, ANSSI awards certifications evaluating the robustness of a product against cyber attacks, with three levels of certification: CSPN, qualification, and CSPN+.

This list is not exhaustive, other organizations such as CompTIA, GIAC, NIST, or CNIL also offer cybersecurity certifications. Contact us for more information on each certificate to choose the one that best suits your needs.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


See Also

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