Botswana Certification : Compliance Standards

Exporting products to Botswana requires an understanding of local requirements, including certification of compliance for certain regulated products. This certification certifies that your product, process or service meets Botswana’s specific standards and requirements. It is issued by independent bodies such as the Botswana Standards Bureau (BOBS) or the International Inspection and Regulatory System (SIIR).

What is Botswana Compliance Certification ?

Certification of conformity for Botswana is essential to certify that a product, process or service complies with Botswana’s specific standards and requirements. It is awarded by a recognized independent body, either the Botswana Standards Bureau (BOBS) or the International Inspection and Regulatory System (SIIR).

This certification of conformity is required for the import of certain regulated products into Botswana, including food and agricultural products, fire protection equipment, electrical appliances, vehicle tires, chemicals and safety glass. Its main objective is to ensure the health and safety of Botswana consumers, while promoting trade and reducing technical barriers.

There are three methods of conformity assessment to obtain this certification, depending on the type of product, the frequency of export and the associated level of risk.

  • Route A applies to non-registered products or without prior license
  • Route B to products already registered
  • Route C to products with a specific license. Each method has its own procedures and costs

It is important to note that compliance certification for Botswana differs from diamond certification, a key area for the Botswana economy. As the largest diamond producer in Africa and the world, generating more than $20 billion annually, Botswana has established a specific system to certify the provenance, quality and traceability of diamonds, ensuring compliance with social and environmental standards.

Botswana has chosen not to adhere to the certification requirements of certain diamond-producing countries, such as Canada, thereby affirming its sovereignty and respect for its own culture.

Which products are affected by the Botswana conformity certification ?

Conformity certification in Botswana is required for a range of regulated products. They must meet the specific standards and requirements of that country. Affected products are grouped into categories based on their type, use and associated risk level.

The main categories of products requiring conformity certification in Botswana are :

Food and agricultural products

This category includes products intended for human or animal consumption, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, honey, beverages, animal feed, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. They must meet the quality, safety, traceability, labelling and packaging requirements of Botswana.

Fire protection equipments

Includes products for fire prevention, detection and suppression, such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, sprinklers, alarms, fire doors, pipes, valves and fittings. They must comply with the performance, reliability, durability and safety standards set by Botswana.

Electrical equipments

Includes electricity-powered products, including electrical outlets, switches, lamps, toys, appliances, computers, telephones, televisions, radios, readers and printers. These products are subject to Botswana’s electromagnetic compatibility, electrical safety, energy efficiency and environmental protection standards.

Tyres of vehicles

Includes elements used on vehicle wheels, such as tires, inner tubes, rims, valves and hubcaps. They must meet the standards of dimension, strength, traction, pressure, marking and recycling specified by Botswana.

Chemical products

This category includes a variety of chemicals. Among them are paints, varnishes, glues, solvents, detergents, cosmetics, medicines, explosives, gases, oils and lubricants. In Botswana, these products are subject to strict standards covering their composition, toxicity, biodegradability, as well as handling, storage and disposal procedures.

Cover glass

Products in this category are made from glass intended for the protection of individuals and goods. They include windows, windshields, glasses, mirrors, screens and solar panels. In Botswana, they must meet specific requirements for strength, transparency, reflection, filtration and treatment.

It is important to note that these product categories are not fixed and may change as Botswana’s regulations change. It is advisable to consult the relevant authorities for the latest information before exporting your products to this country.

How do I get compliance certification for Botswana ?

To obtain the necessary conformity certification in Botswana, it is essential to contact an inspection body accredited by the Botswana Standardization Bureau (BOBS) or the International Inspection and Regulatory System (SIIR). These entities assess whether your products meet the standards and requirements of the importing country. After verification, they will issue you a certificate of conformity (CoC) or an SIIR confirmation certificate.

The process for obtaining the certification of conformity depends on several criteria, including the type of product, the frequency of export and the associated risk level :

  • Route A for non-registered or unlicensed products : Ideal for occasional or irregular exports of products that do not require pre-registration or licensing. This option requires physical inspection, document verification and, if necessary, laboratory testing. The CoC obtained has a validity of 6 months for non-food goods and 3 months for food products.
  • Route B for registered products : Suitable for products with prior registration with BOBS or SIIR, intended for regular or frequent exports. As with Route A, it includes physical inspection, document verification and laboratory testing if required. Registration must be renewed annually and remains valid for 1 year.
  • Route C for Licensed Products : This option is for products that require a prior license for regular or frequent export. The process is similar to Routes A and B, with physical inspection, document verification and laboratory testing if necessary. The license is also valid for 1 year and must be renewed annually.

It is important to note that the conformity certification for Botswana differs from the diamond specific certification, which requires a certificate of origin and quality issued by the Ministry of Mines of Botswana or a body recognized by the Kimberley Process, an international system dedicated to the certification of rough diamonds.

What are the benefits of obtaining conformity certification for Botswana ?

The acquisition of the conformity certification for Botswana offers significant benefits to exporters, importers and consumers, ensuring that the products meet local standards and requirements. Let’s take a closer look at these benefits:

For exporters

  • Simplified access to the Botswana market, with fewer delays, rejections, fines or seizures of goods at borders.
  • Improvement of the competitiveness and credibility of the products, thanks to the proof of their conformity to the required standards.
  • Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, offering quality, safe and environmentally friendly products.
  • Optimization of costs and delivery times by reducing the risk of non-compliance and facilitating customs procedures.

For importers

  • Ensuring that imported products meet local standards and requirements.
  • Protection of the health, safety of Botswana consumers and the environment, by excluding dangerous or non-compliant products.
  • Increased consumer confidence and demand for quality, safe and environmentally friendly products.
  • Reduce import costs and delays by avoiding customs complications.

For consumers

  • Access to a diverse range of products that meet local standards.
  • Protection of their health, safety and environment by avoiding non-compliant products.
  • Access to reliable and transparent product information through proper labelling.
  • Ability to make informed choices based on product quality, safety and environmental impact.

The certification of conformity for Botswana is thus an essential lever for international trade, promoting cooperation, trust and competitiveness between the various economic actors.

Which bodies offer conformity certification for Botswana ?

To obtain the necessary conformity certification in Botswana, it is essential to use an inspection body approved either by the Botswana Standardization Bureau (BOBS) or the International Inspection and Regulatory System (SIIR). These entities play a role in assessing the conformity of your products to the specific standards and requirements of the importing country, allowing you to obtain a certificate of conformity (CoC) or a certificate of confirmation SIIR.

Many organizations offer conformity certification for Botswana, varying by product type, country of origin and services required. Below are some of the key organizations :

TÜV Rheinland

As a recognised German organisation, TÜV Rheinland provides comprehensive conformity assessment, certification, training and consultancy services. Accredited by the BOBS and the SIIR, it is entitled to issue certificates of conformity in accordance with Botswana’s import inspection regulations.

With an international network of offices and laboratories, TÜV Rheinland is committed to offering a local and high-quality service to its customers.

AFNOR Certification

AFNOR Certification, a French entity, offers certification, audit, training and conformity assessment services in various sectors. It is accredited by BOBS and SIIR for the issuance of certificates of conformity for Botswana.

Part of the AFNOR Group, this organization benefits from a global presence with 27 international sites and 13 regional delegations in France, under the recognized brands AFAQ and NF.

Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas, a world leader in inspection, certification, consulting and training, is also accredited by BOBS and SIIR to certify import compliance in Botswana. With a client base of more than 80,000 companies worldwide, it demonstrates recognized expertise.


SGS, a Swiss group specializing in inspection, verification, analysis and certification services, holds BOBS and SIIR accreditation for certification in Botswana. With over 100,000 certifications issued, SGS is one of the most respected and valued organizations in its field.

SGS is committed to providing high quality audits and complementary services that make a difference for our customers.

This list is not exhaustive. It is recommended to consult the BOBS or SIIR for a complete list of approved organizations. Before making your decision, consider comparing the offers, rates, deadlines and guarantees offered by each organization.

What are the steps to obtain conformity certification for Botswana ?

To acquire the necessary conformity certification in Botswana, it is essential to follow a specific process. This process will vary depending on the compliance assessment stream (A, B, or C) you select :

Step 1 : Request a Quote

Start by contacting an inspection body recognized by BOBS or SIIR, such as TÜV Rheinland, AFNOR Certification, Bureau Veritas, or SGS. Ask them for a quote for the certification of your products by providing the following information :

  • Names and contact information of exporter and importer
  • A detailed description, quantity and value of the products
  • Country of origin and country of destination
  • The chosen conformity assessment route (A, B or C)
  • Applicable specific standards and requirements
  • Required supporting documents such as invoices, product certificates, test reports, etc.

You will then receive a quote detailing the fees and deadlines for certification, as well as the general terms of service.

Step 2 : Accept the quote and pay the fee

After acceptance of the quote, you will need to sign a service contract with the inspection body and pay the certification fee. An order confirmation and a file number will then be assigned to you.

Step 3 : Submit products for inspection and testing

The inspection body will carry out a physical and documentary inspection of your products. Laboratory tests will also be carried out if necessary, depending on the assessment route chosen. Such operations may take place in the country of origin, the country of destination, or a third country, as appropriate.

It will be verified that your products meet the specific standards and requirements in Botswana.

Step 4 : Receive the Certificate of Compliance

In case of conformity, you will obtain a certificate of conformity (CoC) or an SIIR confirmation certificate, which is essential for the customs clearance of your products when they enter Botswana. This certificate, which must be presented to the customs authorities together with the other shipping documents, has a validity period which varies according to the conformity assessment route chosen.

Step 5 : Renew the certificate of conformity if necessary

If you engage in the export of products to Botswana on a regular or frequent basis, it is imperative to renew your certificate of conformity annually. This renewal depends on the conformity assessment channel you have selected. It is necessary to contact the inspection body again, providing them with updated information and documents.

The certification fee will have to be paid again and depending on the requirements, your products may need to be re-examined and tested.

It is important to note that the certification of conformity for Botswana differs from that for diamonds, which follows a particular process. For the export of diamonds to Botswana, it is required to obtain a certificate of origin and quality of the diamonds, issued either by the Ministry of Mines of Botswana or by an entity recognized by the Kimberley Process, international system dedicated to the certification of rough diamonds.

How much does certification cost for Botswana ?

Certification of conformity for Botswana varies according to many criteria, such as product type, conformity assessment method, country of origin, and the volume and value of goods. In addition, the number and location of inspections and testing also affects the price. Since there is no flat rate, it is recommended to request a personalized quote from the inspection entity of your choice.

To provide you with a better understanding of possible costs, here are some indicative examples depending on the valuation method chosen :

  • Route A : For this option, the price is calculated according to the value of the goods, with a minimum cost of 250 euros per shipment. For example, exporting food products worth 10,000 euros would cost about 300 euros.
  • Route B : Here, the cost also depends on the value of the goods, with a minimum threshold of 500 euros per shipment. Thus, for firefighting equipment valued at 50,000 euros, the price would be 750 euros.
  • Route C : In this case, the price is based on the value of the products, with a minimum of 1000 euros per shipment. For example, for chemicals worth 100,000 euros, the cost would be 1,500 euros.

These rates are indicative and may vary depending on the inspection body, conditions of service and additional fees. It is therefore wise to compare offers, rates, deadlines and guarantees before making a decision.

It is important to note that the cost of conformity certification for Botswana differs from that of diamond certification, which requires a separate process. For the export of diamonds to Botswana, a certification fee of provenance and quality is required, as determined either by the Ministry of Mines of Botswana or by a body approved by the Kimberley Process.

How long does it take to get conformity certification for Botswana ?

The time required to obtain conformity certification for Botswana varies according to many criteria, including the type of product, the selected conformity assessment method, the country of origin, and the volume and value of the goods. The process also involves inspections and tests, the number and location of which can influence the duration. Since there is no standard time frame, it is recommended to consult the inspection body for an accurate estimate.

To give you an overview, here are some examples of average timelines based on the conformity assessment method :

  • Route A : Approximately 10 working days, including physical inspection, documentary verification and, if necessary, laboratory testing, upon receipt of required documents and samples.
  • Route B : Environ 15 jours ouvrables, couvrant les mêmes étapes que la route A, avec en plus l'enregistrement préalable, dès réception des documents et échantillons.
  • Route C : Environ 20 jours ouvrables, incluant les étapes de la route B ainsi que l'obtention d'une licence préalable, dès réception des documents et échantillons.

These estimates are indicative and may vary according to the inspection body, the conditions of service and possible logistical hazards. It is therefore wise to compare the services, rates, deadlines and guarantees offered by different organizations before making a decision.

It is important to note that the timeframe for conformity certification differs from that required for diamond certification, which follows a separate process. For the export of diamonds to Botswana, a certificate of provenance and quality is required and can be obtained within 24 hours, subject to compliance with the documents and samples provided.

Do I need to renew the conformity certification for Botswana ?

The validity of the conformity certification for Botswana depends on the selected conformity assessment route (A, B or C). For regular exporters to Botswana, it is essential to renew this certification each year, following the same process as for a first application. Let’s discover the specific details of this certification renewal :

  • Route A : The certificate of conformity for Route A is valid for 6 months for non-food products and 3 months for food products. The renewal must be done with each shipment by providing the documents and samples required for a new application.
  • Route B : The registration for Route B is valid for one year. You must renew this registration annually by resubmitting the necessary documents and samples, as well as a copy of your previous registration and an annual report of your shipments.
  • Route C : The licence for Route C is also valid for one year. Annual renewal requires the submission of the same documents and samples as a new application, in addition to a copy of your previous licence and an annual report on shipments made.

The process of renewing the conformity certification for Botswana involves the same fees and deadlines as for a first application. It is therefore advisable to plan your renewal well in advance to avoid any interruption in your export activities.

It is important to note that the conformity certification for Botswana differs from the diamond certification, which does not require renewal. The certificate of origin and quality for diamonds is valid for a single shipment and must be accompanied by a Kimberley Process certificate, which is an international certification system for rough diamonds.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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