Quality control training and eLearning

Product quality control plays an important role in ensuring that products and services comply with customer expectations and current standards. Here’s how to effectively learn about quality control while enjoying the benefits of eLearning in terms of flexibility and accessibility.

What is quality control and eLearning training ?

Quality control and eLearning training incorporates the significant benefits of quality control and e-learning. Products quality control concerns the verification of the conformity of products and services with customer expectations as well as official standards, of which ISO 9001 is an example.

eLearning, on the other hand, refers to the use of digital technologies to offer participants the opportunity to take the courses remotely. This learning modality offers the flexibility to train at your own pace, according to your personal needs.

This hybrid training allows professionals to improve their methodologies and tools specific to quality control while taking advantage of the flexibility offered by eLearning. Training programs in quality control and eLearning are varied, addressing different professional profiles such as quality controllers, assistants, technicians, auditors, quality project managers, among others.

In addition, these courses cover specific topics related to quality control, such as sampling techniques, development of control plans, use of measurement means, management of control maps, product audits and many other aspects.

The formats of this training in quality control and eLearning can vary : strictly online training, virtual classes, blended learning, project learning, simulation and other innovative teaching methods. The choice of format is dictated by the needs and preferences of the learners, as well as the resources available.

You must ensure that the training is high quality and effective, adhering to the fundamental principles of eLearning such as interactivity, personalization of learning, motivation of learners and their continuous evaluation.

Why choose Quality Control and eLearning training ?

Opting for training in quality control and eLearning means choosing a path adapted to the requirements of professionals, offering the development of essential skills with the flexibility and accessibility of eLearning. The benefits are many :

  • This type of training equips professionals with the technical skills essential to quality control, including the tools needed to ensure the compliance of products and services with customer standards and regulatory standards, such as ISO 9001. Quality control plays a role in customer satisfaction, cost reduction, continuous improvement and business performance.
  • It allows distance training, free of time and place constraints. Thanks to eLearning, learners can access educational content whenever they want and from anywhere, simply with an Internet connection. This pedagogical method adapts to the rhythm of each learner, offering tailor-made courses, interactive exercises and instant feedback.
  • It provides effective training through varied and modern teaching methods. eLearning encompasses a variety of formats such as online courses, virtual classrooms, blended learning, hands-on projects, simulations and more. It can also include innovative technologies such as gamification, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), thus stimulating learner engagement, motivation, information retention and practical application.

In short, choosing a training in quality control and eLearning is to ensure a course that not only meets the needs of professionals in the sector by teaching quality control techniques and tools but also offers the advantage of flexibility and eLearning-specific accessibility. This represents a considerable lever for the enrichment of skills and the improvement of the performance of actors in the field of quality control.

What is the return on investment of quality control and eLearning training ?

Opting for quality control and eLearning training is an effective and profitable investment for both the company and the learners. The return on investment (ROI) of this training represents the balance between the benefits acquired through it and the costs incurred for its implementation.

The calculation of the ROI of these courses may vary according to the method adopted, but it is mainly based on the evaluation of the impact of the training on the performance of the company or learners.

eLearning and quality control bring benefits that can significantly increase their ROI. Compared to traditional training, the eLearning approach reduces the costs associated with travel, room rental, trainers, and training materials. It also offers the possibility to reduce training time by optimizing schedules, adjusting session duration and provides easy access to training materials at any time.

In addition, eLearning improves participants' productivity by enabling them to quickly apply what they have learned, which in turn boosts their motivation, commitment and satisfaction.

Investing in quality control and eLearning training generates savings while generating tangible benefits. With improved knowledge of quality control, participants can optimize the quality of products and services, reduce non-compliance, complaints, returns and losses. This skill gain also promotes increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, provides a distinct competitive advantage, encourages compliance with standards and improves overall business performance.

The positive impact on the company’s turnover, profitability, reputation and competitiveness reflects the importance of these profits.

Ultimately, focusing on quality control and eLearning training is a wise strategic choice that helps minimize training costs while improving the performance of participants and, by extension, the company. Assessing ROI involves accurate measurement of benefits and costs, which requires the use of rigorous and appropriate methodologies.

Which organisations offer training in quality control and eLearning ?

If you are interested in learning quality control combined with eLearning, you will discover several institutions offering training in this field. Your choice of organization may vary depending on your criteria such as budget, skill level and availability. Here is an overview of organizations offering quality control and eLearning training :

AFNOR Competencies

As a specialist in the fields of quality, health, safety and the environment, AFNOR Compétences offers training called "Quality Controller" for professionals involved in quality control in their sector. The training, lasting 3 days (21 hours), aims to provide the essential basics of quality control, as well as the skills to establish, implement and evaluate a control plan effectively. Available in a virtual classroom, this training awards a certificate of follow-up.

SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Micro-learning platform, SC Training (formerly EdApp) provides online training covering various themes. One, entitled "Quality Control", is specifically designed for employees in the manufacturing sector. The course provides a thorough understanding of quality control methodologies, supplier selection criteria, inspections and audit procedures for ISO 9000 certification. Introducing the concept of microformation, this free course ensures certification upon completion.


A major player in vocational training, Cegos offers various courses, including in the field of quality. Its training "Quality control and effective management of non-conformities" is aimed at professionals wishing to improve their quality control skills. With a duration of 2 days (14 hours), participants will learn to master quality control tools and techniques, manage non-conformities and develop corrective and preventive measures. The training is accessible both in person and in virtual class.

How much does training in quality control and eLearning cost ?

The cost of training in quality control and eLearning varies greatly depending on different factors, including the type of training, its duration, the method of teaching (online or face-to-face), proposed content, provider and available funding opportunities. It is difficult to determine a fixed price for these courses, but a range of costs can be estimated based on the data available online.

  • The training "Quality Controller" offered by AFNOR Skills is priced at 1,590 € HT per participant in virtual class. This rate includes access to the learning platform, teaching materials, a certificate of competence and post-training follow-up. Please note that this rate does not include any travel, accommodation and meal expenses.
  • The online course "Quality Control" available through SC Training (previously known as EdApp) is offered free of charge and includes certification. Fees include access to training content, interactive activities, quizzes and reward badges. Indirect costs related to Internet access, hardware and necessary software are not covered.
  • The program "Quality control and effective management of non-conformities" proposed by Cegos is offered at 1,350 € HT per participant, in face-to-face format or in class remotely. This cost includes access to the training platform, educational support, a certificate of completion and a skills assessment. As with other training courses, travel, accommodation and food are not included.

The cost of a training in quality control and eLearning can vary from 0 to more than 1,500 € HT per individual, influenced by the specificities of the chosen training. Comparing the market offers is essential, taking into account the quality, relevance and effectiveness of the training.

Funding mechanisms are also available, such as the personal training account (CPF), the skills development plan (PDC), or the inter-professional training fund (FIF-PL), adapted according to the status and needs of each beneficiary.

How long does it take to get quality control and eLearning training ?

The length of time required to complete training in quality control and eLearning varies considerably depending on several crucial aspects, including the type of programme, the method of teaching chosen, the content covered, the level of proficiency sought and the specific goals of the learning. Although there is no universally established duration for these courses, it is possible to offer an estimate thanks to the data available online. Here is a representative selection of the duration of some training in quality control and eLearning :

  • The "Quality Controller" program offered by AFNOR Compétences extends over 3 days, or 21 hours of virtual classroom training. This includes interactive sessions with the teacher, learning activities, discussions between participants, assessment of skills acquired and follow-up after the course. Note that this does not take into account the individual study time, which depends on the pace and requirements of each participant.
  • The online course "Quality Control" provided by SC Training (formerly EdApp), is designed to be completed in about 1 hour. This period covers access to educational material, interactive exercises, quizzes and badges. This calculation does not take into account the personal revision time, which may fluctuate according to the current level and the objectives aimed by the student.
  • The session "Quality control and effective management of non-conformities" proposed by Cegos, takes place over 2 days, a total of 14 hours and is available both in person and in class remotely. This includes live interactions with the trainer, educational activities, group discussions, assessment of acquired knowledge and obtaining a certificate of achievement. It excludes personal study time, which can vary according to the individual’s needs and learning pace.

The time required to follow a training in quality control and eLearning can vary between 1 hour and 3 days, depending on the nature and specificities of the program. It is essential to select a training that corresponds to your own criteria, such as your profile, your availability and your aspirations. In addition, it is possible to adjust the duration of the program according to the type of training chosen, such as eLearning, blended learning, or microlearning.

Is there a renewal to be done regarding quality control and eLearning training ?

Quality control and eLearning training, far from static, embodies a commitment to continuous improvement, requiring constant updates and revisions. The field of quality control, particularly dynamic, is constantly adapting to changing customer demands, current standards and technological advances. In order to remain competitive and meet market demands, investment in continuing education is essential.

What are the indications to determine the appropriate time and method to renew your training in quality control and eLearning ? Answers include :

  • The need to renew training depends greatly on the content and specificity of initial training. The general modules, focusing on the basic principles of quality control, require a three-year renewal. While specific trainings, addressing topics such as ISO standards, audits and control plans, should be refreshed each year.
  • The frequency of renewal is also influenced by the format of the training and by the organization that provided it. Certification courses, which confirm proficiency through diplomas or certificates, are often subject to regular renewal audits to verify the timeliness and effectiveness of training. These maintenance audits may take place annually, every three or five years, depending on the type of certification obtained. On the other hand, non-certifying training, although advantageous in terms of cost and flexibility, requires an ongoing assessment of the skills and needs of participants.
  • Finally, the desire to renew one’s training is closely linked to the aspirations and motivations of each learner. Some pursue studies in quality control for their personal development, driven by passion or curiosity and can therefore decide to renew their training according to their own timing. Others, seeking career advancement or retraining, are moving towards a strategic renewal, aligned with market openings and their professional objectives.

The question of renewing your training in quality control and eLearning is crucial for those looking to stay ahead in this changing sector. This decision depends on multiple variables, such as the level, specificity, format, organization of initial training, as well as personal and professional ambitions. It is vital to be well informed about renewal requirements and to choose training that will effectively meet current expectations and needs.