ISO 22716 Standard : Good manufacturing practice for cosmetics

The ISO 22716 standard is recognized worldwide, determining good manufacturing practices (GMP) for cosmetic products. Its goal is to ensure irreproachable quality and product safety at every stage of their lives, from production to distribution.

What is ISO 22716 Standard ?

ISO 22716 standard establishes good manufacturing practices for the cosmetics industry, aimed at ensuring the quality and safety of cosmetic products from production to distribution. This standard mainly covers product quality without addressing personnel safety or environmental protection, which are the responsibility of the company, in accordance with local regulations and laws.

Not applicable to the research and development phases or to the distribution of finished cosmetic products, ISO 22716 standard is intended for manufacturers, subcontractors, suppliers of raw materials and packaging, quality control laboratories, distributors and importers of cosmetic products.

Inspired by the principles of good manufacturing practice defined by the World Health Organization for the pharmaceutical sector, this standard integrates harmoniously with other quality management standards such as ISO 9001 standard.

With its 18 chapters, ISO 22716 standardprovides a detailed framework on cosmetic manufacturing requirements, including personnel management, space layout, equipment, documentation, production, product quality control, storage, shipping, monitoring of complaints and reminders, managing deviations, internal audits and training.

When should you consider ISO 22716 Standard ?

Being a voluntary standard, ISO 22716 standard is not essential for companies in the cosmetics sector. However, it is strongly recommended to comply with European legislation on cosmetic products. This legislation requires manufacturers to follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and maintain traceability of this compliance.

This product quality standard therefore offers an effective way to prove compliance with legal requirements, while improving the quality and safety of cosmetic products. These improvements are essential to stand out in the market and ensure customer satisfaction.

ISO 22716 should be considered if you are looking to :

  • Increase consumer and government confidence in your cosmetics.
  • Perfect your production and inspection processes.
  • Avoid the risk of contamination, non-compliance or product recall.
  • Simplify traceability and complaint handling.
  • Strengthen communication and collaboration with your business partners (suppliers, subcontractors, distributors, etc.).
  • Explore new markets or meet stricter market criteria.

Applicable to all types of cosmetic products, including makeup, personal care, perfumes, hair and sun products, ISO 22716 standard is useful for companies of all sizes in the cosmetics sector, including those producing on behalf of other brands.

What are the advantages of implementing an ISO 22716 compliant system ?

Adopting the ISO 22716 standard brings significant benefits for companies in the cosmetics sector wishing to boost their performance and competitiveness. Some of these benefits include :

The guarantee of quality and safety of cosmetic products

By adhering to the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) defined by ISO 22716, cosmetic companies ensure that their products meet the highest quality and safety standards. As a result, this reduces risks to the health and safety of users. This standard also helps avoid contamination, non-compliance or product recall issues, protecting the reputation and prosperity of businesses.

Compliance to regulations

ISO 22716 is essential to comply with current regulations in the cosmetics sector, in particular European Regulation 1223/2009, which mandates the application of GMPs and the retention of corresponding documents. Obtaining ISO 22716 certification proves compliance with legal requirements, facilitating access to local and global markets.

Consumers confidence

ISO 22716 is an element of trust for consumers, who have become very vigilant about the quality and safety of the cosmetics they use. ISO 22716 certification strengthens the brand image and credibility of manufacturers with their customers, allowing them to make their choice with confidence.

The constant improvement of processes

Based on continuous improvement, ISO 22716 encourages continuous improvement in the manufacturing and control processes of cosmetic products. Following its guidelines allows companies to detect and correct faults, reduce costs, increase productivity, improve collaboration with partners and innovate in terms of quality and security.

Why is ISO 22716 Standard considered a strategic tool for organizations ?

ISO 22716 transcends its function as a guide to good manufacturing practices (GMP) for cosmetic products to become an essential strategic tool for organizations aspiring to distinguish themselves in a competitive and changing market. Here’s why :

This standard meets the growing quality and safety requirements of consumers for cosmetic products. By achieving ISO 22716 certification, organizations can differentiate themselves significantly from the competition and increase customer loyalty.

It ensures compliance with current regulations in the cosmetics sector, which are gradually becoming more stringent and standardized worldwide. Complying with ISO 22716 standards allows organizations to avoid fines, legal disputes, and loss of market share.

The ISO 22716 standard is also a lever for improving the efficiency and profitability of the manufacturing processes and quality of cosmetic products. By complying with the recommendations of ISO 22716, companies can improve the allocation of their resources, reduce spending, increase productivity, strengthen collaboration and communication with key players, and innovation in quality and safety.

Finally, the adoption of ISO 22716 contributes to strengthening a culture of quality within companies, involving each of the actors, from staff to suppliers, including subcontractors and distributors. The commitment in this context allows the development of a common vision and objectives focused on quality and product safety.

What are the key steps to implement ISO 22716 ?

The implementation of ISO 22716 must follow an elaborate and methodical plan, which requires the direct involvement of management and all staff, a series of dedicated training, the establishment and monitoring of adequate documentation, and an ongoing process of verification and improvement. Let’s learn about the essential steps to successfully implement ISO 22716 :

1. Analyze the current state of the organization

Starting the process with a thorough diagnosis allows to assess how well the organization already complies with the requirements of ISO 22716. This step aims to recognize the positive aspects and gaps, to identify both the risks and opportunities related to the manufacturing processes of cosmetic products, and to define the goals to achieve, the responsibilities to assign, the necessary resources and timelines.

2. Plan the implementation of ISO 22716

Subsequently, developing a solid action plan is crucial. It must detail the measures to be implemented, the means to be deployed, the performance indicators to be monitored and the evaluation criteria to be applied. Informing and raising awareness among all stakeholders, both internal and external, of the action plan and the importance of adherence to ISO 22716 is also paramount.

3. Implement ISO 22716

The practical application of ISO 22716 involves adopting good manufacturing practices (GMP) for the production and quality control processes of cosmetic products. It is necessary to ensure compliance with the instructions relating to personnel, premises, equipment, document management, production, quality control, storage, shipping, and complaint management processes, reminders, deviations and internal audits. In addition, it is imperative to write and maintain the necessary documents such as procedures, work instructions and reports.

4. Verify compliance with ISO 22716

Finally, verifying compliance with the requirements of ISO 22716 is done through the organization of audits, both internal and external. This process makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the manufacturing practices in place, to detect any failures or deviations and to identify areas for improvement. Implementing corrective and preventive measures to correct deficiencies and avoid their recurrence is a crucial step in this process.

5. Continuously improve organizational performance

The fifth step is essential to boost the overall performance of the organization. It involves a dynamic approach based on continuous improvement. This method focuses on the systematic optimization of manufacturing processes and quality control of cosmetic products. The aim is to regularly measure current performance, analyze the data obtained, identify the main optimization levers, implement targeted improvement strategies, assess their impact and, if necessary, adjust the action plan to better meet the objectives.