Employee satisfaction surveys and polls

If you’re looking for ways to measure and improve employee satisfaction and engagement, then you’ve come to the right place. Do you plan to use staff surveys to achieve this? Great idea !

What are employee satisfaction surveys ?

Employee satisfaction surveys and surveys are essential to assess employee satisfaction and engagement within the organization. They include a series of questions covering various aspects of working life, including well-being, remuneration, corporate culture, work environment and relationships within teams. By responding anonymously and confidentially, employees can honestly share their feelings and opinions.

There is more than one way to carry out these surveys, adapted to the specific objectives of each company. Some of the most common formats include :

  • The annual surveys, which provide an overview of employee morale and allow to observe its evolution.
  • Ad hoc investigations, focused on a specific issue or event such as a restructuring or merger.
  • Regular surveys, which capture feedback from employees on a constant basis, for close monitoring.
  • 360 degree surveys, which collect impressions not only from employees but also from their supervisors, colleagues and clients.

Surveys can be developed internally or through specialized service providers. Nowadays, it is also possible to rely on online platforms that simplify the creation, dissemination and analysis of surveys.

These products quality standards and tools are valuable to hear what employees have to say, understand their expectations, motivations, or issues, and gather their improvement ideas. They also provide a means of measuring the company’s performance against its competitors and against its own objectives.

In addition, the results of these surveys provide key data to guide strategic decisions and drive improvement initiatives.

Why conduct employee satisfaction surveys and surveys for your company ?

Employee satisfaction surveys and surveys do more than just measure the well-being of your teams. They play an important role in increasing the performance and competitiveness of your business. The level of satisfaction and commitment of your employees translates into several significant benefits:

  • Increased productivity : Happy employees are not only more motivated, efficient and innovative, but also more likely to engage in learning and creativity.
  • Improved quality : Satisfied employees guarantee a more careful work, greater concentration and a constant concern for customer satisfaction. Their loyalty and cooperation also strengthens team spirit and involvement in the company’s initiatives.
  • Optimized retention : Job satisfaction reduces the risk of your employees leaving, reducing recruitment, training and turnover costs. In addition, filled employees are more likely to recommend the company, attracting the best talent.
  • A reputation for excellence : Happy employees are true ambassadors of your brand, raising your image, your reputation and the trust of customers, partners and competitors. They are also more responsible to the environment and the community.

Conducting surveys and satisfaction surveys helps you evaluate and boost these elements for the success of your business. You identify strengths and areas for improvement, define objectives, take targeted actions and measure their effectiveness.

These steps demonstrate to your employees that they are valued, listened to and essential to your organization. This encourages a culture of transparent communication, active listening and mutual recognition.

This will strengthen their sense of belonging, trust and loyalty to the company, fundamental elements for a cohesive and committed team.

Which organizations offer employee satisfaction surveys for your company ?

Do you plan to conduct satisfaction surveys within your company? You have two main avenues to consider: internal implementation or the use of a specialized organization. Each offers its advantages and challenges, which we will explore.

Design and administer surveys yourself

Opting for internal management involves the creation, dissemination, collection and analysis of survey questions, as well as the communication of results. Online platforms, such as forms.app, QuestionPro, or SurveyMonkey, can simplify this process by providing effective analysis and presentation tools.

Benefits of this method include :

  • Full control over all aspects of the survey, enabling deep customization according to the specific needs of the company.
  • A reduction in costs, avoiding the costs associated with engaging an external entity.

However, the disadvantages to consider are :

  • The need for specialized skills to develop high-quality questions and analyze data meaningfully.
  • The guarantee of anonymity of participants, confidentiality and security of the data collected.
  • The challenge of engaging employees to actively and meaningfully participate in surveys.

Use an external agency

Collaborating with an external organization offers the expertise of specialists accustomed to best practices in the field of employee satisfaction surveys. Known providers include CSE-guide.fr, Great Place to Work and HappyIndex.

Benefits of this option include :

  • Access to advanced expertise, ensuring professional quality investigations.
  • An external and neutral perspective on the company’s situation, enriched by sectoral comparisons.
  • An improvement in employee confidence in the investigation, thanks to guarantees of anonymity and confidentiality.

Challenges include :

  • A potentially significant financial investment.
  • The need to share sensitive data, while respecting confidentiality.
  • Adaptation to the organization’s methods and tools, which may differ from internal preferences.

The decision to manage investigations internally or to use an external body depends on several criteria, including the budget, the skills available and the objectives set. There is no single solution, but rather approaches adapted to each context and company.

How to ensure anonymity and trust in satisfaction surveys ?

Anonymity and trust play a role in the success of employee satisfaction surveys. Without a sense of security and freedom to honestly share their opinions, employees could ignore investigations, submit inaccurate answers, or distrust the results and decisions made accordingly.

Here are some key strategies to ensure anonymity and trust in your satisfaction surveys :

  • Clearly communicate the purpose, process and benefits of satisfaction surveys to employees. Ensure that their participation is voluntary, their responses remain anonymous and confidential, and that their feedback will be used to improve the business environment and the well-being of all.
  • Opt for survey distribution methods that preserve employee anonymity. Move away from paper, easily traceable versions to online surveys that hide personal details of employees like their names, emails, or IP addresses.
  • Select platforms or services that ensure the security of the collected data. Ensure that this data is kept in a safe place, accessible only by authorized persons and deleted after being analyzed and communicated.
  • Formulate questions that avoid personally identifying employees. Avoid questions that are too intimate, detailed or sensitive, that may reveal the identity of employees or make them uncomfortable. Prefer closed questions, Likert scales, or open-ended questions with predefined answers.
  • Share survey results transparently and sincerely. Demonstrate that you have considered feedback, identified strengths and weaknesses, and developed improvement plans. Present overall results without revealing individual responses or employee identity.
  • Measure the effectiveness of improvement actions and keep employees informed. Inform them of your commitment to delivering on the promised actions, their progress and impact. Seek their input on the changes and thank them for their input.
  • Conduct satisfaction surveys on a regular and systematic basis. Show interest in their well-being and motivation and maintain an open and positive dialogue. Show that surveys are an effective and reliable way to continuously improve the company and its employees.

By applying these tips, you will strengthen anonymity and trust in your satisfaction surveys, thus obtaining more honest and constructive answers, beneficial for the evolution of your company.

How do I communicate survey results to employees ?

Sharing survey results in a rewarding and engaging way is necessary to show employees that their opinion matters and motivate them to participate in the continuous improvement of the company. It is essential not only to disseminate raw data but to interpret, contextualize and transform it into concrete actions.

Key strategies for effective communication of survey results include :

Choose the right time and channel

It is important to communicate the results quickly after the surveys are completed to keep employees interested. Select a suitable communication channel based on the magnitude of the results :

  • An email or newsletter to share the overall results with all employees, highlighting key points and next steps.
  • A meeting or webinar to discuss details with managers or employee representatives, encouraging questions and feedback.
  • A workshop or seminar to explore results at team level, allowing open sharing of impressions and suggestions.

Adapt the content and tone

Tailor content and approach to your audience, taking into account their knowledge, commitment and sensitivity :

  • Opt for simple and accessible language, avoiding jargon to facilitate understanding and adherence.
  • Incorporate visuals such as graphics and infographics to make the results more attractive and understandable.
  • Use a positive tone, highlighting successes, recognizing weaknesses, and expressing gratitude and trust for employees.

Be transparent and honest

Transparency and honesty are paramount. Make sure you :

  • Present results accurately, without distorting or oversimplifying them.
  • Communicate all results, including negative or critical feedback.
  • Remain sincere, avoiding unfounded promises or vague commitments.

Take action

Demonstrate your commitment to improvement by translating feedback into action :

  • Set SMART goals for each improvement area.
  • Create collaborative action plans, involving employees in their development and implementation.
  • Measure and share the effectiveness of actions taken through monitoring surveys and performance indicators.

These recommendations will help you communicate survey results effectively, building employee confidence, motivation and engagement within your organization.

How much does it cost to set up employee satisfaction surveys and surveys ?

The cost of implementing employee satisfaction surveys and surveys varies according to criteria such as type, frequency, size, method and chosen provider. There is no fixed rate, but a range of prices influenced by the specificities of each survey.

To estimate the cost of your employee satisfaction surveys, consider the following :

The cost of internal investigations

When you choose to design and manage surveys internally, the costs include :

  • Online tools, the price of which varies according to the functionality and volume of responses. For example, forms.app offers a free plan limited to 1,000 responses per month, with paid options starting at $9.99 per month.
  • Time and human resources required. If you spend 10 hours per month at 20 € per hour, it will represent a cost of 200 € per month.
  • Incentives to encourage responses, such as vouchers or extra days off.

Depending on your choices, the cost of internal investigations can range from a few dozen to several hundred euros monthly.

The cost of external investigations

Using an external body for your investigations involves resolving :

  • Survey design, that is, the development and customization of questions according to your needs.
  • Administration, including dissemination, collection and analysis of responses.
  • Communication of results through reports, dashboards and recommendations.

The cost of surveys carried out by third parties can vary between a few hundred and several thousand euros per survey, depending on the provider and the specificities chosen.

Ultimately, the budget allocated to employee satisfaction surveys and surveys will depend on your budget, time available, skills and goals. It is essential to weigh the pros and cons of each of the options in order to choose the most suitable for your situation.