CISA Certification : Certified Information Systems Auditor

If you are a professional working in the audit, control or security of information systems and looking to showcase your skills and experience, the CISA certification (Certified Information Systems Auditor) is specially designed for you.

What is CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor ?

This globally recognized cybersecurity certification confirms your expertise in information systems auditing standards and best practices. It gives you a competitive advantage in the job market while strengthening your credibility with employers, clients and colleagues.

The CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certification is a professional certification granted by ISACA, a global organization of more than 150,000 specialists in audit, control and security of information systems.

This certification validates your expertise in auditing, controlling and consulting information systems, in accordance with industry standards and best practices. It encompasses five core competency areas :

  • Information systems audit
  • Governance and management of information systems
  • Acquisition, development and implementation of information systems
  • Operation, maintenance and resilience of information systems
  • Protection of digital information and assets

Internationally recognized, CISA certification is an indicator of quality and professionalism in the information systems audit sector. It offers a competitive advantage in the job market and strengthens your credibility with employers, clients and colleagues.

Intended for professionals in the audit, control and security of information systems, whether they are internal or as external consultants, managers, auditors or controllers, CISA certification is also relevant for those who interact regularly with information systems, including accountants, lawyers, IT professionals or quality managers.

Which organizations offer CISA certification ?

The CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certification is a professional certification of international scope accessible through various organizations. In this text, we reveal the major entities offering this certification, as well as the steps to register, pass and validate the exam.


Created in 1978 by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), the CISA certification brings together more than 150,000 professionals in the fields of auditing, control and information system security worldwide. This non-profit association is the only authority issuing the CISA certification.

To take the exam, it is necessary to become a member of ISACA and pay the registration fee. The exam, which takes place online at an accredited centre, consists of 150 multiple-choice questions to complete in 4 hours. The success threshold is set at 450 points out of 800.

ISACA provides candidates with various resources to prepare, including manuals, guides, sample questions, as well as online or face-to-face training. In addition, the association has local chapters in more than 200 countries, organizing events, workshops, conferences and self-help networks to support aspiring CISA certification.

The partners of the ISACA

Partnerships have been established by ISACA with other entities to offer CISA certification. These partners, including training centres, schools, universities and specialist companies, complement ISACA’s offer with tailor-made training, personalised support, exam simulations and guarantees of success.

These partner organisations must adhere to the ISACA quality standards and ensure that candidates register via ISACA and take the exam under the appropriate conditions.

The list of official ISACA partners is available on its website, via a dedicated search engine or by consulting directly the list of approved partners.

What are the specific CISA certification requirements for my industry ?

The CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certification is designed to adapt to various sectors. It aims to strengthen the audit, control and security of information systems, important elements for any organization using information technology.

However, each sector of activity has specific requirements that we will detail below.

The public sector

In the public sector, including administrations, local authorities, public institutions and social organizations, it is imperative to comply with strict legal and regulatory standards in the management of information systems. The protection of confidentiality and the security of personal and sensitive data are paramount.

CISA certification is then a major asset to ensure the compliance, efficiency and quality of information systems, while strengthening the confidence of users and partners. It is particularly suitable for professionals in internal audit, management control, consulting, information systems management and more.

The private sector

The private sector, including companies, associations, foundations and the liberal professions, faces strategic, economic and competitive challenges related to information systems. It is essential to respect the standards of quality, security and governance of information systems.

CISA certification offers a competitive advantage by optimizing, securing and enhancing information systems. It also helps to stand out in the market and build customer loyalty.

It is particularly recommended for professionals in external audit, consulting, project management, risk management and information systems management.

What are the steps to obtain CISA certification ?

The CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certification represents an important milestone for information systems audit professionals. To obtain it, several steps are necessary, from preparation to examination until the maintenance of certification.

Exam preparation

Preparation is the first step. The CISA exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions covering five skill areas. Candidates have 4 hours to respond and must earn a minimum of 450 points out of 800 to succeed.

To prepare well, several resources are available :

  • The official CISA revision manual, covering the concepts, standards and good practices of information systems auditing.
  • The CISA Exam Candidate Guide, offering information on registration, exam format, modalities and preparation tips.
  • CISA standard questions, offering sample questions with detailed explanations.
  • CISA courses, delivered by certified instructors, available online or in person.
  • CISA communities, allowing to exchange tips and experiences with other candidates.

Registration and passing of the exam

The second step involves registering and passing the exam. Candidates must be members of ISACA and pay the registration fee, which varies depending on the date and mode of passing the exam.

The exam takes place online, at an ISACA-accredited centre. A valid ID is required on the day of the exam, which is available in several languages and can be taken at any time of the year, depending on the dates proposed by the center.

The validation of professional experience

The final step in obtaining certification is the validation of professional experience. Beyond passing the exam, candidates must have at least five years of experience in auditing, controlling or securing information systems, with at least one year specifically in auditing systems.

To validate this experience, it is necessary to complete an online form on the ISACA website, indicating the details of its jobs, the skills exercised and providing professional references. ISACA may request additional documentation for verification.

How much does a CISA certification cost ?

The CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certification represents a financial investment that varies according to several criteria. We will detail the various costs associated with this certification and explore ways to reduce or finance them.

The cost of the review

The cost of the CISA exam depends on your ISACA membership and the time of registration. For ISACA members, early registration costs $575 and regular registration costs $675. For non-members of ISACA, early registration costs $760 and regular registration costs $860. with an annual fee of $135 plus fees that vary according to the local chapter, allows you to benefit from reduced rates on the exam, as well as other benefits such as access to resources, training and professional events.

The cost of preparing

Preparation for the CISA exam, which focuses on the five areas of certification competence, incurs additional costs. ISACA offers formal resources such as the CISA Revision Manual at $105 in hard copy or $45 in digital version, the free and downloadable CISA Exam Candidate Guide, CISA Standard Questions at $185 for one year of online access, and CISA training, the cost of which varies according to format, duration and supplier.

Alternative resources can be found from ISACA partners or independent publishers, with fluctuating costs depending on their quality and content. It is recommended to compare the offers and choose those adapted to your needs and budget.

The cost of certification

The total cost of CISA certification includes the cost of obtaining and maintaining certification after passing the exam and validating your professional experience :

  • Certification application processing fee : $50 (one-time)
  • Annual maintenance fee : $45 for ISACA members and $85 for non-members (annual)
  • Renewal fee every three years : $150 for ISACA members and $300 for non-members

Becoming a member of ISACA reduces these costs. In addition, your employer can fund the certification, recognizing its value to your professional development.

What is the deadline for obtaining CISA certification ?

The CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certification represents a demanding path that can last several months or even years, depending on your level of preparation, availability and professional experience. Let’s discover together the time required to obtain this prestigious certification.

The period of preparation for the examination

The preparation time for the CISA exam varies depending on your familiarity with the five skill areas required, your study method and the resources used. Although there is no standard preparation time, it is recommended to start at least three months in advance, allocating about 10 hours per week to study the revision manual, the candidate guide, the test questions and by taking training.

A personalized review schedule can be useful for organizing your study, setting goals and monitoring your progress. Sample schedules are available on the ISACA website or via platforms specialized in preparing for CISA certification.

The deadline for registration and examination

The deadline for registering and taking the CISA exam depends on the date you plan to take it and the availability of the exam centers. The exam is available throughout the year, but registration at least two weeks before the desired date is required.

It is advisable to register as early as possible to take advantage of the preferential rate and guarantee a place in the examination center of your choice. After registration, you will receive a confirmation and an access code to reserve your place. On the day of the exam, bring your ID and this code. The four-hour exam will give you your results immediately upon completion.

The period of validation of professional experience

The validation of your professional experience depends on your background and the speed with which you submit your certification file. To obtain CISA certification, it is necessary to have at least five years of professional experience in the audit, control or security of information systems, including one year in the audit of information systems.

You have five years after passing the exam to submit your certification file via an online form on the ISACA website, detailing your professional experience and references. ISACA will communicate its decision to you within four to six weeks.

Is there a need to renew the CISA certification ?

CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certification is not a permanent requirement. To remain certified, it is essential to keep up to date with the latest standards, technologies and practices in information systems auditing.

The renewal of the CISA certification

To maintain your CISA certification, a renewal every three years is required. The two conditions are :

  • Complete at least 120 hours of continuing education (CPE) over three years, with a minimum of 20 hours per year. These hours must be related to the areas of competence of the CISA certification and promote your professional development.
  • Pay the three-year renewal fee of $150 for ISACA members and $300 for non-members. This is in addition to the annual maintenance fee of $45 for members and $85 for non-members.

Failure to comply with these conditions will result in revocation of your certification. To get it back, you will have to retake the exam and prove your professional experience, in addition to paying a recovery fee of $50 for ISACA members and $100 for non-members.

Sources of continuing training

Continuing training opportunities are diverse and can be formal or informal, individual or collective, internal or external. Some examples include :

  • Participation in conferences, seminars, workshops, webinars, podcasts, white papers organized by ISACA or its partners.
  • Training, courses, certifications, diplomas offered by training institutions, schools, universities, companies, etc.
  • Involvement in volunteer activities, mentoring, coaching, writing, publishing, research related to audit, control or security of information systems.
  • Involvement in professional activities such as audit missions, projects, working groups, committees, associations, etc.

It is necessary to justify the number of hours, the content, the date and the provider of each continuing education, as well as its impact on your skills and performance, via the ISACA online system.

The benefits of renewing CISA certification

Renewing your CISA certification offers many benefits :

  • Demonstrate your commitment and professionalism in the audit of information systems.
  • Keep your knowledge and skills up to date.
  • Strengthen your credibility and trust with employers, clients and colleagues.
  • Increase your career opportunities and earning potential.
  • Contribute to the improvement of the quality, security and governance of information systems.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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